Page 75 - AREA 4 - PPP
P. 75
C) To develop advocacy for its rural and development program for the
enhancement of health awareness of community through the following:
c.1 conduct or attend different outreach lectures, conferences, seminars
on health related issues in coordination with the different health agencies
of the government.
Guideline on Medical and Dental Examination
Section 1. Student. All new students enrolling at the University are required to
undergo physical and dental examination to determine the fitness to perform
various school activities. These are normally schedule in April and May for first
semester enrollment and in September and October for second semester
enrollment. They are required to undergo chest X-ray and bloody typing.
Old students should submit the results of medical/dental examination
done in the first semester as requirement for the second semester enrollment.
The annual schedule of their examination shall be as follows:
Sophomore - June to August 15
Junior - August 16 to September 15
Senior - September 16 to October 30
If upon physical examination, the student is diagnosed to be:
a. Suffering from suspicious disease, a special laboratory examination
shall be required or referred to a medical specialist for further
evaluation of his health status and medical certificate is required to
submit to determine their fitness to go on schooling.
b. Afflicted with a communicable disease especially Pulmonary
Tuberculosis shall be advised not to enroll otherwise they can submit
medical certificate coming from a medical specialist indicating that
they are physically fit to study before they can enroll at the University.
Area IV: Support to Students