Page 74 - AREA 4 - PPP
P. 74
In order to realize our vision and mission, we have the following general
and specific objectives.
General Objectives:
a. To provide the best possible pro motive, preventive, curative and
rehabilitative health services to the clients.
b. To deliver quality, affordable and accessible health services.
Specific Objectives:
A. To provide curative care in terms of the following:
a.1 our patient medical and dental consultation including minor a light
major surgical and dental care
a.2 in patient secondary treatment and confinement
a.3 emergency care treatment
B) To engaged in preventive and pro motive health activities such as:
b.1 pre-employment physical, dental and laboratory examination
b.2 annual physical, dental and laboratory examination of the faculty
members, staff and employees
b.3 physical, dental and laboratory examination of all students
b.4 annual medical examination of all food handlers and vendors within
the University campus
b.5 establishment of medical ancillary services which include laboratory,
x-ray, pharmacy, ambulance and civic action services
b.6 family planning, pre-natal, post-natal and well-baby clinic
b.7 immunization program
b.8 food, water and environmental sanitation which include insect and
vermin control and waste disposal program.
Area IV: Support to Students