Page 78 - AREA 4 - PPP
P. 78


                                     If an applicant is diagnosed to be suffering from a severe hypertension,

                              heart disease, communicable diseases and other debilitating disease, he will be

                              given medical certificate indicating that he is not fit to work, likewise, a pregnant

                              applicant who is in her 3  trimester of pregnancy will be given similar medical


                                     Physical examination fee of P100.00 shall be charged per applicant, while

                              laboratory examination fees for the following procedure shall be:

                                            Chest X-ray  -        P160.00

                                            Blood Typing  -       P60.00

                                     The Medical and Dental examination fees as well as the laboratory fees

                              to  be  collected  shall  be  deposited  in  Trust  fund  and  will  be  used  to  purchase

                              medical/dental supplies and equipment. Compensation and benefits or personnel

                              of the University clinic and other needs are subjects to accounting and auditing

                              rules and regulations.

                              Present  legal  documents  such  as  RA  7277;  RA  10121  and  other  related

                               (Please see exhibit of the Compilation of Legal Documents)

                              Present institutional policies and guidelines on sports development programs

                                       Sports  Council.  The  University  has  an  appointed  Director  for  Sports

                                and  Development  as  an  additional  member  of  the  Sports  Council  of  the

                                Institution.  As  stated  on  the  CvSU  Operational  Manual  of  Operation  (2009),

                                there shall be a Sports Council with Dean of the College of Sports, Physical

                                Education  and  Recreation  as  Chairman.  The  members  of  the  Council  shall

                                consist of the Chairpersons of Sports and Recreation Department, all  Deans

                                and selected Director, Professor of the University.

                                       The duties and responsibilities of the Sports Council shall be as follows:

                     Area IV: Support to Students
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