Page 12 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 12

1. 6. Web Accessibility           Observation
                                                           2. HTML Elements
                                                                 - Basic HTML Tags
                                                                 - Tag Attributes
                                                                 - Address
                                                           2.1. File Extension of HTML
                                                           (.htm or .html)

                               After the completion of the   II. World Wide Web                   Lecture            Reference Book       Lecture Activity:
                               chapter, students should be   1. World Wide Web                                                                 Quiz
                               able to:                       1.1. Structure of the Web        Brainstorming         AV Presentation
                               1. describe the structure of      1.2. Who invented WWW?                                                  Reflection Paper
                               Web                            1.3. First Hypertext System       Discussion           Lecture Manual
                               2. Understand the history of      1.4. Protocols and                                                     Laboratory Activity:
                               WWW                         Communications                   Question and Answer     Laboratory Manual      Exercise #2:
                  2       3    3. Understand the use of    2. Frames and Frameset                                                          Frames and
                               protocols (FTP and Telnet)         - Address Insertion       Class Demonstration          Marker              Frameset
                               4. Create web pages using         - Changing the Default Size
                               HTML with frames and              - Changing the Font             Reflection             Computer
                               frameset                          - Changing Background
                                                           color                            Laboratory Exercise

                               After the completion of the   III. Web Browser                    Reporting           Reference Book       Lecture Activity:
                               chapter, students should be   1. Web Browser                                                                    Quiz
                               able to:                       1.1. Web Browsers                Brainstorming         AV Presentation
                               1. Define Web Browser          1.2. The Acid Tests                                                        Reflection Paper
                               2. Describe the difference      1.3. Browser History             Discussion           Lecture Manual
                               between the top web         2. Forms                                                                     Laboratory Activity:
                               browsers                                                     Question and Answer     Laboratory Manual   Exercise #3: Forms
                               3 Create web pages using
                  2       3
                               HTML with Form Tags                                          Class Demonstration


                                                                                            Laboratory Exercise


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