Page 7 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 7
2. turn off or put in silent mode cellular phones during class hours;
3. clean the classroom before and after classes;
4. avoid unnecessary noise that might disturb other classes;
5. practice good manners and right conduct at all times;
6. practice gender sensitivity and awareness inside the classroom; and
7. come to class on time.
C. Computer Laboratory
1. Always log in BEFORE and AFTER using the laboratory room. A logbook is provided at the laboratory room.
2. Any defects/malfunctions which are observed while using any of the computer units in laboratory should be reported.
3. Eating is prohibited inside the laboratory room.
4. Computer games are absolutely not allowed.
5. No personal files or data shall be stored in the hard disk.
6. Any user caught or proven to have vandalized the facilities and damaged the equipment will be dealt with accordingly.
7. Bags and other things shall be deposited in the designated area provided in the laboratory before using the computer units.
8. Everyone is enjoined to keep the computers and the laboratory room in perfect condition.
D. Examination/ Evaluation
1. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
2. Mid-term and Final Examinations are scheduled.
3. Cheating is strictly prohibited. A student who is caught cheating will be given a score of ”0” for the first offense. For the second offense, the
student will be automatically given a failing grade in the subject.
4. Students who will miss a mid-term or final examination, a laboratory exercise or a class project may be excused and allowed to take a special
exam, conduct a laboratory exercise or pass a class project for any of the following reasons:
a. participation in a University/College-approved field trip or activity;
b. due to illness or death in the family; and
c. due to force majeure or natural calamities.
A. Malik, D. S. (2012). Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to Proram Design (5 ed.). Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.
B. Deitel P. and Deitel H. (2010). C++: How to program (7 ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
C. Lippman, S.B., Lajoie, J., and Moo, B.E. (2013). C++ primer (5 ed.). USA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Supplementary Readings:
Revision Date of Revision Date of Implementation Highlights of Revision