Page 5 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 5

5. use conditional statements to   j. Return values
                               write a value method          k. Writing methods
                               6. write an overloaded methods   l. Method composition
                                                             m. Overloading
                                                             n. Boolean methods
                               After the completion of the   VII. Class and Object    Sample Program          Lecture Notes       1. Writing the output of a
                               chapter, students should      a. Classes, Objects,     Discussion                                  program with application
                                be able to:                  Methods, and Instance                            Projector,          of classes, object, method,
                               1. understand the usage of    Variables                Written Programming     Whiteboard Marker,  and instance.
                               class, object, method, and    b. Declaring a class with   Practice/Exercise    Computer, Java
                  2      6
                               instance                      method                                           IDE
                               2. use a method with parameter   c. Instantiating an object   Hands-on Programming
                                                             of a class               Practice/Exercise
                                                             d. Declaring method with
                               After the completion of the   VIII. Arrays             Sample Program          Lecture Notes       1. Writing the output of a
                               chapter, students should      a. Creating arrays       Discussion                                  program with Array
                                be able to:                  b. Accessing elements                            Projector,          elements
                               1. write a method that takes an   c. Displaying arrays   Written Programming   Whiteboard Marker,  2. Writing a program that
                               array                         d. Copying arrays        Practice/Exercise       Computer, Java      the output is generated by
                               2. use the enhanced for loop   e. Array length                                 IDE                 arrays.
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                               3. traverse an array          f. Array traversal       Hands-on Programming
                                                             g. Random numbers        Practice/Exercise
                                                             h. The enhanced for
                                                             loop                     Simulation

                  1      6                                                           FINAL OUTPUT
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                                                                         COURSE REQUIREMENTS

                 Lecture Requirements:                                                Laboratory Requirements:
                    1.  Mid-Term Examination                                             1.  Hands-on Exercise
                    2.  Long Examination                                                 2.  Program Discussion
                    3.  Quizzes/Written Exercises                                        3.  Mid-Term Examination
                    4.  Assignments/ Program Listings                                    4.  Final Output
                    5.  Attendance                                                       5.  Attendance

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