Page 3 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 3

4.  Apply programming control statements                            D      D       D      E       I      D      D        D        E
                        *Level :          I-Introductory         E- Enabling           D-Demonstrative
                                                                           COURSE COVERAGE
                    No. of
                    Hours      Intended Learning Outcomes             Topic           Teaching and Learning       Resources           Outcomes-based
                 Lec    Lab                (ILO)                                          Activities (TLA)         Needed            Assessment (OBA)
                               After the completion of the   I. Java Basics           Sample Program          Lecture Notes       1. Writing, compiling, and
                               chapter, students should      a. History of Java       Discussion                                  running a simple Java
                                be able to:                  b. Java IDE                                      Projector,          program.
                               1. compile and run a Java     c. The hello world       Written Programming     Whiteboard Marker,  2. Give students a Java
                  2      6     program                       program                  Practice/Exercise       Computer, Java      program for them to
                               2. use escape sequences       d. Displaying strings                            IDE                 debug.
                               3. read and fix error messages   e. Escape sequences   Hands-on Programming
                                                             f. Formatting code       Practice/Exercise
                                                             g. Debugging code
                               After the completion of the   II. Variables and        Sample Program          Lecture Notes       1. Writing a Date and Time
                               chapter, students should      Operators                Discussion                                  class
                                be able to:                  a. Declaring variables                           Projector,          2. Writing of program with
                               1. find and fix an error without   b. Assignment       Written Programming     Whiteboard Marker,  application of arithmetic
                               compiling the program         c. Printing variables    Practice/Exercise       Computer, Java      operation like a simple
                  2      12
                               2. use string concatenation to   d. Arithmetic operators                       IDE                 calculator.
                               display values with different   e. Floating-point      Hands-on Programming
                               types                         numbers                  Practice/Exercise
                               3. use arithmetic operators   f. Operator for strings
                                                             g. Types of errors       Brainstorming
                               After the completion of the   III. Input and Output    Sample Program          Lecture Notes       1. Writing a temperature
                               chapter, students should      a. The System class      Discussion                                  converter program.

                                be able to:                  b. The Scanner class                             Projector,          2. Writing seconds to
                               1. use printf and format string   c. Program structure   Written Programming   Whiteboard Marker,  hours, minutes, and
                  2      12
                               2. prompt user for input and   d. Literals and Constants  Practice/Exercise    Computer, Java      seconds converter
                               read it from keyboard         e. Formatting output                             IDE                 program.

                               3. format a program’s output   f. Modulus Operator     Hands-on Programming                        3. Writing a Guess a
                                                                                      Practice/Exercise                           Number program
                               After the completion of the   IV. Conditionals and     Sample Program          Lecture Notes       1. Writing a program that
                               chapter, students should      Logic                    Discussion                                  uses conditional
                  2      18     be able to:                  a. Relational operators                          Projector,          statements
                                                             b. Logical Operators     Written Programming     Whiteboard Marker,  2. Writing logical program
                                                                                      Practice/Exercise                           with valid input

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