Page 4 - BSIT Course Syllabus (2019-2020)
P. 4
1. rewrite a nested conditional c. Conditional Computer, Java
statements using logical statements Hands-on Programming IDE
operators d. If statement Practice/Exercise
2. write a program with multiple e. If…else statement
methods f. Chaining and nesting Simulation
3. validate the user’s input g. The return statement
4. apply increment and h. Validating input Debugging
decrement operators i. Compound assignment
operators Flowchart – Team
j. Increment and teaching
decrement operators
Problem solving
After the completion of the V. Loops Sample Program Lecture Notes 1. Writing the output of a
chapter, students should a. The for statement Discussion program using for loop
be able to: b. Encapsulation and Projector, statement.
1. write an iterative method Generalization Written Programming Whiteboard Marker, 2. Writing the output of a
2. use break and continue c. The while statement Practice/Exercise Computer, Java program using while
3. use the three looping d. The do-while loop IDE statement.
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statements e. Break and continue Hands-on Programming 3. Writing a program that
Practice/Exercise will generate an output for
do-while loop.
Simulation 4. Writing a program using
switch statement
After the completion of the VI. Methods Sample Program Lecture Notes 1. Writing the output of a
chapter, students should a. Program modules in Discussion program with multiple
be able to: Java Projector, methods.
1. read code and discuss the b. static method Written Programming Whiteboard Marker, 2. Writing methods that
flow of execution through a c. declaring methods Practice/Exercise Computer, Java take parameters
program with multiple methods with multiple parameters IDE 3. Writing the output of a
2. write and invoke methods d. argument promotion Hands-on Programming program with value
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that take parameters and casting. Practice/Exercise methods.
3. encapsulate an existing code e. Math methods 4. Writing program that
in a method that takes f. Adding new methods take Boolean method
parameters g. Flow of execution
4. write a method that returns a h. Parameters and
value arguments
i. Multiple parameters