Page 279 - IOM Law Society Rules Book
P. 279


                          (d)   any written instructions to withhold client money from a client account (or a
                                copy of an advocate’s confirmation of oral instructions) in accordance with rule

                          (e)   any central registers kept under paragraphs (11) to (13) below; and

                          (f)   any  copy letters kept  centrally  under  rule  31(2)  (dividend cheques endorsed
                                over by recognised body).

                          (g)   any written agreements made under rule 27.

                    (10)  An advocate must retain for at least two years;

                          (a)   all paid cheques, unless there is a written arrangement with the bank, building
                                society or  other financial institution  that  it  will retain the cheques on  the
                                advocate’s behalf for that period; and

                          (b)   originals or copies of all other authorities for the withdrawal of money from a
                                client account.

                    Centrally kept records for certain accounts, etc.

                    (11)  Statements and  passbooks for  client money or  controlled trust  money  held outside a
                    client account under rule 16(1)(a) or rule 18(c) must be kept together centrally, or an advocate
                    must maintain a central register of these accounts.

                    (12)  Any records kept under rule 9 (liquidators, trustees in bankruptcy, Mental Health Act
                    receivers and trustees of occupational pension schemes) must be kept together centrally, or an
                    advocate must maintain a central register of the appointments.

                    (13)  The statements, passbooks, duplicate statements and copies of passbook entries relating
                    to any joint account held under rule 10 must be kept together centrally, or an advocate must
                    maintain a central register of all joint accounts.

                    (14)  If a recognised body as nominee follows the option in rule 31(2) (keeping instruction
                    letters for dividend payments), a central book must be kept of all instruction letters to the
                    share-owner’s bank or building society, etc.


                    (15)  Records required by this rule may be kept on a computerised system, apart from the
                    following documents, which must be retained as printed or otherwise issued:

                          (a)   original statements and passbooks retained under paragraph (9)(b) above;

                          (b)   original statements, passbooks  and other accounting records retained under
                                paragraph (9)(c) above; and

                          (c)   original cheques and copy authorities retained under paragraph (10) above.

                     Rule 32 – Accounting records for client accounts, etc.                     page  36
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