Page 285 - IOM Law Society Rules Book
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                                represent, from the date of joining, the advocate’s first report for the purpose of rule
                                36(2).  For an advocate who was a principal in the firm and, on leaving, stops holding
                                or receiving client money, etc., the report for the practice will represent up to the date
                                of leaving, the solicitor’s final report for the purpose of rule 36(5) above.
                          (ii)  When a partnership splits up, it is usually appropriate for the books to be made up as at
                                the date of dissolution, and for an accountant’s report to be delivered within six months
                                of that date.  If, however, the old partnership continues to hold or receive client money,
                                etc., in connection with outstanding matters, accountant’s reports will continue to be
                                required for those matters; the books should then be made up on completion of the last
                                of those matters and a report delivered within six months of that date.  The same would
                                be true for a sole practitioner winding up matters on retirement.
                          (iii)  When a practice  is  being wound up,  the  advocate may  be left with money  which is
                                unattributable, or belongs to a client who cannot be traced.  It may be appropriate to
                                apply to the Society for  authority  to  withdraw this  money from the advocate’s client
                                account – see rule 22(1)(i), rule 22(2)(i), and note (x) to rule 22.

                    Rule 37 – Qualifications for making a report

                    (1)  A report must be prepared and signed by an accountant who is a member of:

                          (a)   the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales;

                          (b)   the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland;

                          (c)   the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland; or

                    (2)  An accountant is not qualified to make a report if:

                          (a)   at any time between the beginning of the accounting period to which the report
                                relates, and the completion of the report:

                                (i)    he or she was a partner, employee, consultant or officer in the practice to
                                       which the report relates; or

                                (ii)   he or she was employed by the same non-advocate employer as the
                                       advocate for whom the report is being made; or

                          (b)   he or  she  has been  disqualified under paragraph (3) below and notice of
                                disqualification has been given under paragraph (4) (and has not subsequently
                                been withdrawn).

                    (3)  The Council may disqualify an accountant from making any accountant’s report if:

                          (a)   the  accountant  has been found guilty  by his  or her professional body  of
                                professional misconduct or discreditable conduct; or

                          (b)   the  Council is satisfied that  an  advocate has  not complied with  the rules  in
                                respect of the matters which the accountant has negligently failed to specify in a

                     Rule 37 – Qualifications for making a report                               page  42
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