Page 287 - IOM Law Society Rules Book
P. 287


                                (v)    following any direct report made to the Isle of Man Law Society under
                                       (i) or (ii) above, to provide to the Isle of Man Law Society on request
                                       any further relevant information in your possession or in the possession
                                       of your firm.

                          To  the  extent necessary  to  enable  you to comply  with (i) to (v) above, I/we waive
                          my/the firm’s/the company’s right of confidentiality. This waiver extends to any report
                          made, document produced or information disclosed to the Isle of Man Law Society in
                          good faith pursuant to these instructions even though it may subsequently transpire that
                          you were mistaken in your belief that there was cause for concern.”

                    (2)  The  letter of engagement  and  a  copy  must be signed by the  advocate  and by the
                    accountant. The advocate must keep the copy of the signed letter of engagement for at least
                    three years after the termination of the retainer and produce it to the Council on request.
                    (3)  Any provision contained in any contract for exempting the reporting accountant from,
                    or indemnifying him against, any liability to clients which by virtue of any rule of law would
                    otherwise attach to him in respect of any negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust
                    of which he may be guilty in relation to his duties under the rules shall be void.

                          (i)   Any direct  report  by the  accountant to the Society under  rule  38(1)(i)  or (ii)  should be
                                made to the Council.
                          (ii)  Rule  38(1) envisages that the specified  terms are  incorporated in  a letter  from the
                                advocate to the accountant.  Instead, the specified terms may be included in a letter
                                from the accountant to the advocate setting out the terms of engagement.  If so the text
                                must  be adapted appropriately.  The letter must be signed  by both parties  – the
                                advocate will keep the original, and the accountant the copy.

                    Rule 39 – Change of accountant

                    On  instructing  an accountancy  practice  to  replace that previously instructed to  produce
                    accountant’s reports, an  advocate  must  immediately notify  the  Society of the  change and
                    provide the name and business address of the new accountancy practice.

                    Rule 40 – Place of examination

                    Unless  there are exceptional circumstances,  the place  of examination of an  advocate’s
                    accounting records, files and other relevant documents must be the advocate’s office and not
                    the office of the accountant. This does not prevent an initial electronic transmission of data to
                    the accountant for examination at the accountant’s office with a view to reducing the time
                    which needs to be spent at the advocate’s office.

                    Rule 41 – Provision of details of bank accounts etc.

                    The accountant must request, and an advocate must provide, details of all accounts kept or
                    operated by  the advocate  in connection  with  the advocate’s practice at  any bank, building

                     Rule 41 – Provision of details of bank accounts etc.                       page  44
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