Page 13 - WEB VERSION 36
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Dental Care
There are few options for dental care if you have no insurance. Even those with Medicaid and Medicare forego much needed dental care
because many services are not covered. Three full-time dentists at Mercy Care provide dental care for adults and children. Our services
include: evaluation and X-ray, routine cleanings, deep cleanings, tooth extractions, and fillings. Read the 2016 Georgia Bulletin story
Tough living Seniors in need
Many patients encounter Mercy Metro Atlanta has a significant
Care for the first time because of gap in affordable, accessible
a toothache that has become too dental services for seniors. Neither
much to bear. Grady Hospital’s Medicaid nor Medicare provides
emergency department refers preventive or restorative services.
dental patients to Mercy Care In December 2016, Piedmont
almost daily. People with access to Healthcare awarded a $13,000
floss, toothbrush, toothpaste and grant to Mercy Care for low-income
a home in which to practice daily dental patients age 65 and up and
hygiene see a dentist and have a provided a new access point for
cleaning every six months. People critical oral health services. With the
who are homeless need a cleaning partnership of Affordable Dentures,
Mercy Care’s lead dentist Rochelle Butler, every two or three months due to the grant covers dental services for
DDS, with patient Evelyn Ware. Dr. Butler
has served Mercy Care patients for 11 years. the environment in which they live. 40 patients and the purchase of
dentures or partials for 20 patients.
Evelyn Ware, age 76
Her teeth were rotting and threatened her health, but pulling them led to poor nutrition, reflux and the loss of her smile. 7,494
She could not afford dentures. Read more about her new smile
dental visits
2016 Community Report Page 8