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        Music & Memory                                                                  Financials

        Mercy Care Rome is now a certified Music and Memory center and                   Income
        their patients are benefiting in a big way. Some patients with dementia
        who are non-verbal sing and some who are non-mobile clap, pat and
        tap! The brain ties music to memory and enables the listener—and in a            Grant Income                                            $787,971
        special way, those with dementia—to reconnect, regain social skills and
        live more fully. The use of iPods (donated new and gently used) as well          Net Patient Revenue                                     $116,240
        as live music concerts, have been eye-opening for staff, patients and
        caregivers. Benefits include:                                                    Contributions, Cash and In-kind                         $171,394

        •   Persons with advanced                                                        Total Income                                             $1,075,605
            dementia reconnect
            with memories.
        •   Patients are more                                                            Expenses
            cooperative and attentive
            and less resistant to                                                        Salaries, Wages, Benefits                           $1,002,269
            caregiving support.
        •   It reduces agitation and                                                     Professional Fees and Purchased Services                $83,989
            sun downing, enhances                                                        Medical and General Supplies                                  $117,691
            engagement and socialization,
            and fosters a calmer social                                                  Other Expenses  (depreciation, taxes, in-kind)         $132,866
        •   Helps in the effort to reduce                                                Total Expenses                                            $1,336,815
            reliance on anti-psychotic
            medications.                   Adult Day Health patient Mary Wooten
                                           enjoys the Music and Memory program with      Equity from SJHS                                         $261,210
                                           Liz Molina, executive director, who proudly
                                           displays Mercy Care’s certification.

                             2016 Community Report                                                                                                Page 12
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