Page 21 - WEB VERSION 36
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Health Education
Education has been an important part of what we do at Mercy Care for nearly 25 years. It started with perinatal education
for Latino women and resulted in healthier moms, babies and families. When health providers and patients work together to
prevent disease or keep chronic disease under control, life is longer and happier.
Health disparities Tackling obesity Kicking the habit
Race or ethnicity, sex, sexual Mercy Care’s goal is to provide kids Out of 75 individuals who signed up
identity, age, disability, and their parents with the recipe for smoking cessation classes, 36
socioeconomic status, and for a lifetime of good health. A received certificates of completion
geographic location all contribute grant from Amerigroup in 2016 and seven quit smoking. The
to one’s ability to achieve good provided the support for childhood remaining 39 reduced how much
health. African Americans (63%) and nutrition classes that meet once a they smoked. 100% showed 1,445
Latinos (25%) make-up the majority week for four weeks. The learning increased knowledge about harm
of our patient base, and both have environment is fun and engaging from tobacco use, reported a
high rates of diabetes diagnoses and includes group discussions, decrease in tobacco use, and encounters through
nationally. Nearly 30% of our role-playing, and Zumba! The first increased knowledge of healthier classes and individual
patients cope with hypertension and session was attended by 21 children. alternatives to smoking including
over 14% with diabetes. Therefore, Five lost weight and all learned why exercise, nutrition, and meditation.
education and maintenance are a healthy choices are important and 154
focus at our clinics. how to make them.
received perinatal
I’m not sick or crazy! education
Due to family and financial stressors as well as a stigma about mental health, many persons of Hispanic heritage are
resistant to going to the doctor for preventive care and resist sharing that they struggle with depression or anxiety. This calls to the information
stems from a cultural gap in understanding healthcare as it pertains to mentally ill people. and referral line
Read the full story
2016 Community Report Page 16