Page 23 - WEB VERSION 36
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Infectious Diseases
Mercy Care is one of the organizations at the center of Atlanta’s focus on preventing and controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS and
TB. Our TB team consistently seeks out the poor and homeless to screen for tuberculosis and refer them to more evaluation
if needed. We not only test for HIV as a routine part of the primary care visit, our clinics are unique in providing dental care to
those who are HIV positive. In 2016, we expanded our HIV treatment services to our City of Refuge location.
Proactive prevention CDC TB Champs! Collaboration
The HIV prevention team hits the Mercy Care has been so important Mercy Care partnered with AID
streets three days a week going to to the control of tuberculosis in Atlanta aiming to educate gay black
places where unsafe sex and IV drug Atlanta that its president, Tom males through peer led discussions
use are likely occurring and areas Andrews, was named a U.S. TB about HIV prevention. Participants
recommended by the Department Elimination Champion by the CDC in initially discussed topics of a
of Public Health to offer free testing 2016. The TB team spends four days general nature, built rapport and 2,228
with immediate results. Upon a week rotating semiweekly visits at trust over time, and moved on to
request, the prevention team will five selected locations that serve the more sensitive topics. The group patient visits
go to someone’s home to provide homeless population. In 2016, they has been instrumental in helping
testing. They often park a mobile screened 2,549 people and referred men experience a stigma-free
testing unit in grocery store parking 198 of those with positive results to zone where they feel supported 758
lots or set up at weekend festivals, the Fulton County Department of and comfortable enough to share
parades and other social gatherings Health for further evaluation. their insights while learning about received services
to educate and offer testing. reducing risk.
Volunteer to full-time 313
For three years, Ralph has lived at The Edgewood residences for low income people with AIDS or symptomatic HIV. HIV+ patients
Mercy Care’s social workers coordinate support services for The Edgewood and had been encouraging Ralph to stay oral health services
busy and volunteer where he could make a difference. The difference he made, changed his life.
Read the full story
2016 Community Report Page 18