Page 25 - WEB VERSION 36
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        Recuperative Care

        Medically fragile homeless men have an alternative to returning to the streets following discharge from an Atlanta-area hospital.
        Mercy Care provides a 19-bed recuperative care unit at the Gateway Center staffed to provide assistance with daily recovery.
        It is located two floors above the full-service Mercy Care clinic at the Gateway Center.

        One and only                               Homey donations                           Value of Partnering

        Recuperative Care is the only              In May 2016, Recuperative Care            Gateway Center is home to Austin
        program of its kind in the greater         moved from the second floor of            Gilmore, a 59-year-old Recuperative
        Atlanta area. In addition to healthy       Gateway to a renovated space on           Care and primary care patient who
        meals and a clean temporary home           the third floor. The new location was     has battled cancer. Gilmore lost         200
        in which to recover from an illness,       made warm and homey thanks to             his home and roofing company
        staff facilitates appointments             gently used furnishings donated by        due to depression and addiction
        with health providers, ensures             Emory University, new paint, and          after the death of his wife. He now      referrals to Recuperative Care
        patients are taking and tolerating         attractive decor provided by WINGS        is rebuilding his life as a resident
        medication, and catch potential            for Mercy Care. Gateway is a perfect      assistant at Gateway which works         107
        complications quickly. They also           location to heal with Mercy Care’s        closely with Georgia Works to
        educate and help with mental health        newly expanded primary medical            help homeless men achieve self-          admissions
        or addiction issues. As a result, more     care clinic, which also offers dental     sufficiency. Georgia Works helps
        than 65% of patients are housed            care, behavioral health and case          men committed to starting over get       40
        after discharge.                           management, just two floors below.        a full-time job, transportation and
                                                                                             permanent housing within a year.         days average
        Right care, right place                                                                                                       length of stay

        At 68 years old, Bond Okoro, who is homeless, has had two stays in Recuperative Care. First, following a hospital stay        70
        for prostate surgery, and again after a visit to Mercy Care’s primary care clinic at Gateway revealed dangerously high
        blood pressure as well as high blood sugar and cholesterol levels. At Mercy Care, he found a healing place to stay and a      discharged to housing
        support network. Okoro stayed out of the hospital, is healthy and back to work.                                               or to the care of family

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