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         83% of our patients are uninsured but 100% are cared for thanks to          Income
         grants, endowments and private donors. Among our core values and
         strengths is stewardship, spending an average of less than $1,400 on a
         full year of high-quality, comprehensive care per patient.                  Grant                                              $10,361,631
                                                                                     Lorem ipsum Income
                                                                                     Revenue from Investments                           $6,185,983
              grant income                            56%
                                                                                     Net Patient Revenue                                $1,089,712

              revenue from investments      34%                                      Contributions, Cash and In-kind                    $520,225
                                                                                     Other                                                                           $262,030
              net patient revenue                   6%
                                                                                     Total Income                                       $18,419,581
              contributions                         3%
              (cash and in-kind)

              other income                              1%                           Salaries, Wages, Benefits                          $12,513,616

                                                                                     Professional Fees and Purchased Services           $1,830,184
         Grants                                                                      Drugs, Medical and General Supplies                $1,587,052
         In accordance with grant guidelines for full disclosure, specific dollar
         amounts are listed for the following government grants:                     Other Expenses  (rent, depreciation, etc.)         $671,182

         • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — $350,000
         • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Health Resources
           and Services Administration/Ryan White Part C — $736,938                  Total Expenses                                         $16,611,034
         • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Health Resources
           and Services Administration — $4,959,439
         • City of Atlanta/Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS
            — $183,404                                                               NET INCOME                                         $1,808,547
         • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Substance Abuse
           and Mental Health Services Administration — $495,650
         • Fulton County/Ryan White Part A — $1,209,868
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