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         The 1880 Circle                       Mr. Thomas P. Haczynski              Mr. and Mrs. James E. Terrell
         The 1880 Circle is named for the year   Dr. Thomas Haltom and              Thomas M. Longino Jr. Revocable Trust
         the Sisters of Mercy began their healing     Dr. Kay Kirkpatrick           Tillotson-Menlo Charitable Foundation
         ministry in Atlanta with the          Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hansen       The TJX Foundation
         establishment of Saint Joseph’s       Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hardage           Trident Medical Group
         Infirmary. The Circle recognizes donors   Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hardin    Truist
         who generously give between $9,999    Havertys Furniture Companies, Inc.   Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Vor Keller
         and $2,500 in one year.               Herman Miller, Inc.                  W.L. Gore & Associates
                                               Hewatt Electrical Contractors, Inc.  Waffle House Foundation, Inc.
         Allegany Franciscan Ministries        Holy Spirit Preparatory School, Inc.  Dr. and Mrs. Byron R. Williams
         America’s Charities                   Katharine and Russell Bellman        World Travel Care LLC
         Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Arias             Foundation, Inc.                   Mr. and Mrs. E. Howard Young
         AthenaGives                           Mr. Timothy Kehoe
         Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Baranco          Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kennedy       The McAuley Society
         Barbara Williams, M.D.                Mr. and Mrs. Troy Landry             The McAuley Society is named for
         Drs. Anne Hartney-Baucom &            Mr. and James A. Lanier, Jr.         Mother Catherine McAuley, who
           Mark Baucom                         Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Jeffords        founded the Sisters of Mercy in 1831 in
         Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Baxter        Mr. William T. Lawson                Dublin, Ireland. The Society recognizes
         Besse Johnson & George Blanton Allen   Lillibridge Healthcare Services     donors who generously give between
           Memorial Foundation                 Sr. Elizabeth A. Linehan, RSM        $2,499 and $500 in one year.
         Mr. Alan Bradford                     Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Employees
         Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brisbane            Reaching Out Club                  Aaron and Angel Goldman Family
         Brookhaven Rotary Foundation, Inc.    Mack II, Inc                           Foundation
         Drs. Mary and Reay Brown              Mrs. Barbara McGahan                 Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Abt
         Bryan Cave LLP                        Mr. and Mrs. David J. McGill         Access Innovators LLC
         Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Campbell      Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. McKinney     Mr. John Adamski
         The Cassill Foundation Inc.           Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Mitchell      Drs. James and Sonya Adkins
         Cathedral of Christ the King          Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Mohan         Alex and Betty Smith Foundation, Inc.
         The Community Foundation for          Morehouse School of Medicine         All Saints’ Episcopal Church
           Northeast Georgia                   Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP        Ms. Carol Z. Allen
         Dr. and Mrs. William H. Conner        Morrison & Foerster LLP              American Health Imaging, Inc.
         Conrads-Pendergast Family Fund        Northern Trust Bank                  Amerigroup-Wellpoint
         Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Craft         Optimal Fundraising Group            Mr. Ricks C. Anderson
         Mr. and Mrs. David B. Crawford        Mr. and Mrs. Reinaldo Pascual        Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Andrews
         Mr. and Mrs. Richard D’Amaro          Mr. and Mrs. Solon Patterson         Mr. and Mrs. Dan Balentine
         Dr. and Mrs. George W. Daneker        Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Petrik       Atlanta Bar-B-Q Festival LLC
         Emergency Care of Atlanta, Inc.       Physician Specialists in Anesthesia, P.C.  Ms. Patricia T. Barmeyer
         Fitzgerald & Co                       The QUIKRETE Companies               Mr. Allen Barnes
         Mr. and Mrs. David P. Fitzgerald      Ms. Katherine A. Scott               Bates Mechanical, Inc.
         Dr. Kelleen C. Fitzgerald and         St. Mary’s Catholic Church           Benchmark Rehabilitation
           Mr. Richard Cicclillo, Jr.          Segars Group, LLC                    John and Debi Berry
         Floyd Medical Center                  Mr. John W. Stephenson               Mr. Richard Bibel
         Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ford          Ms. Lizanne Stephenson               Mr. Harry L. Bonner
         Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc.  Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Stewart       Mrs. and Mr. Veronica S. Brachman    Max, 18-month-old son of Mercy Care’s
         GE Capital Corporation                Society of St. Vincent de Paul Atlanta  Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC           Gaby Bizarroque, receives his pediatric
         Ms. Catherine Hack                    Stryker Orthopaedics                 Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Brooks        care at Mercy Care Chamblee.

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