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        Annual Giving Societies

                                              Sister Jane Gerety Society           The James M. Cox Foundation of Georgia  Mr. Tom Andrews
                                              Honors a Sister of Mercy for her     James Starr Moore Memorial Foundation  Anonymous
                                              continuing leadership and dedication   Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation      Atlanta Spine Institute
                                              to Saint Joseph’s Health System.     Kaiser Permanente of Georgia          The Barham-Calhoun Memorial Fund
                                              Recognizes individuals, foundations,  Mark & Evelyn Trammell Foundation, Inc.  CKC Foundation
                                              corporations and organizations who   Mary Ryan & Henry G. Kuhrt Foundation  Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Craft
                                              give $25,000 or more in one year.    May P. & Francis L. Abreu             CVS Corporation
                                                                                     Charitable Trust                    The Edward Colston Foundation, Inc.
                                              Anonymous                            Michael A. Morris Testamentary Trust  The Emily Winship Scott Foundation
                                              The Atlanta Women’s Foundation       Northside Hospital                    Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital
                                              Dr. Colleen S. Austin and            Piedmont Healthcare                   Estate of Ann Kerns Grubbs
                                                Mr. Howard Austin                  R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation       Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
                                              Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cambias, Sr.  Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program          Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fitzgerald
                                              Centers for Disease Control          Saint Joseph’s Hospital Auxiliary     Frances Hollis Brain Foundation, Inc.
                                                and Prevention                     Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Segars          The Fraser-Parker Foundation
                                              Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Chapman       Substance Abuse and Mental            Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Garrett
                                              Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta       Health Services Administration      GE Foundation
                                              Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Christopher     SunTrust Foundation                   I. A. Lanier Goodman Foundation
                                              City of Atlanta                      Susan G. Komen Greater Atlanta        Dr. Paul Hagedorn
                                              The Community Foundation for         Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Thiebaut       Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Harwood
                                                Greater Atlanta, Inc.              Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Trapp         Hennessy Automobile Companies
                                              Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Crean         Trinity Health, Inc.                  Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hutchinson
                                              Daniel P. Amos Family Foundation, Inc.  Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc.   Dania Kabakibou, M.D.
                                              Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Eatz           United Way of Greater Atlanta         L. D. Stacy, M.D.
                                              Estate of Helen Fussell Shell        UPS Foundation, Inc.                  Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Lee
                                              Genuine Parts Co.                    Mr. and Mrs. David D. Wilson          M.E.B. Medical
                                              Georgia Center for Oncology          Mr. and Mrs. James E. Winchester, Jr.  Madeleine Jude Brown Foundation
                                                Research & Education                                                     Mrs. Kim Marchner and
                                              Georgia Power Foundation, Inc.       Sister Stella Maris Society             Mr. John McMahan
                                              Gilead Sciences                      Honors a Sister of Mercy who faithfully   Mary E. Haverty Foundation, Inc.
                                              Health Resources & Services          upheld the mission during nearly      Dr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Mogelnicki
                                                Administration                     12 years of service at Saint Joseph’s   NeuroLink, LLC
                                              Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Hennessy       Hospital and recognizes donors        Mr. and Mrs. Mickolls T. Osben
                                              Huisking Foundation, Inc.            who generously give between $24,999   Perimeter Orthopaedic
                                              The Ida Alice Ryan Charitable Trust  and $10,000 in one year.                Surgical Associates
                                              It’s The Journey, Inc./                                                    Mr. and Mrs. James S. Rausch
                                                The Atlanta 2-Day Walk             755 Restaurant Corp.                  Dr. and Mrs. Ernst M. Ruder
          Andrea Willis is a certified medical   J. B. Fuqua Foundation            Mr. and Mrs. Hank Aaron               Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
          assistant at the Decatur Street clinic.  James B. and Alice S. Baird Foundation  American Cancer Society       Wells Fargo Foundation
                                                                                                                         Wilson Family Foundation
                                                                                                                         Ms. Jeannie B. Wright

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