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        Mobile clinics and mobile outreach teams are key to Mercy Care’s ability to proactively address physical and mental health
        issues in populations that are overlooked. Using two coaches (clinics), one shuttle, seven vans and four cars, Mercy Care builds
        relationships through providing treatment that leads to wellness, housing and reconnecting people to their support groups such
        as family or church.

        Mobile clinics                             CHOP                                      Street Medicine

        The mobile coach goes out each             The Community Health Outreach             On week nights, a psychiatrist,
        week day to provide primary care,          Program (CHOP) seeks chronically          nurse practitioner, registered
        behavioral health, and screenings          homeless people on the streets,           nurse, healthcare students and a
        (breast and cervical cancer, HIV,          in parks and shelters. They earn          case manager team up for Street
        TB and general health). The rolling        trust by being visible in Mercy Care      Medicine. Together, they provide
        clinic visits shelters, churches and       vans five days a week, providing          mental and physical healthcare
        other organizations that serve the         hygiene kits, jackets, water or transit   including medications on the street,
        poor and homeless. Three times a           cards and then connecting people          under bridges and in parking lots.
        month, Mercy Care also provides            to services that can be both life-        Telemedicine often helps keep the
        mammograms on Emory Saint                  changing and life-saving.                 team effectively staffed while on
        Joseph’s mobile coach at two                                                         the street.
        locations and as often as possible
                                                                                             179             517
        at health fairs.

        Changing lives                                                                       patients treated  encounters

        In addition to case managers who work to place people in housing, vital to good health, Mercy Care’s vehicles also are
        used by a community health liaison who works with Atlanta’s safety net hospital, Grady, to reduce use of the emergency
        department for preventable issues. Through education, skills training and connections, people’s lives are changed.
        Read the full story

                             2016 Community Report                                                                                                Page 22
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