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Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Critical to women’s Dedicated volunteer Supporting the cause
health doctor
Mercy Care’s Breast and Cervical Cancer In 2016, patients whose PAP tests It’s the Journey 2-Day Walk for Breast
Program has served low-income women (screening for cervical cancer) came back Cancer has been supportive of Mercy Care’s
ages 18-64 for two decades. It provides abnormal gained better access to further breast cancer screening and diagnostic
critical access to education, clinical breast testing thanks to gynecologist April Ruffin, services for low-income women for years.
exams, mammograms, pelvic exams and MD. “I wanted to do more, and I’ve always Three employees and a friend of Mercy
PAP tests as well as diagnostic services, been fond of the work Mercy Care does,” Care committed their time and fundraising
patient navigation and ongoing follow-up said Dr. Ruffin, who volunteers every efforts ($1,000 each) to walk 30 miles in
and support. The program successfully Wednesday evening alternating between the 2016 2-Day Walk which supported 30
assists patients with overcoming barriers Mercy Care’s downtown location and its programs in Georgia that year. In 2017, 11
to care such as poverty, lack of insurance, new clinic in Chamblee. “These patients committed to do the same to recognize
limited English proficiency, and low levels often wait too long between screenings, so their own survival and the survival or loss of
of education. they are at high risk. It’s important to me a loved one. All the money raised will again
they receive additional testing as soon as support breast health and breast cancer
possible.” programs in Georgia.
1, 272 1,469 734 761 4
clinical breast exams education encounters mammograms PAP tests women diagnosed
with breast cancer
and linked to care
2016 Community Report Page 14