Page 8 - WEB VERSION 36
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        Primary Medical Care

        “We don’t turn anyone away.” In these words a member of Mercy Care’s outreach team captured the philosophy of the Sisters of
        Mercy—embrace everyone in need. This sentiment drives the mission, vision and daily work of Mercy Care. With 11 primary care
        clinic sites, Mercy Care serves people who are homeless, who work but are poor, and who are uninsured and underinsured.

        Medical home                               Earn their trust                          Housing is Health

        Since 83 percent of Mercy Care’s           Mercy Care doesn’t wait for those         Homelessness and health are
        patients have no insurance and little      who are ill to come to them.              clearly linked. Some health
        to no income, it’s a population that       Daily, mobile clinics visit shelters,     problems precede and contribute
        benefits greatly from our one-stop-        churches and other organizations          to homelessness, others are
        shop clinic models and programs            that serve the poor and homeless,         consequences of homelessness.
        that help avoid hospital stays and         and outreach teams proactively earn       There is no doubt, homelessness          66%
        emergency room visits. Mercy Care’s        the trust of those who need help          complicates the treatment of many
        preventive adult and pediatric             but don’t seek it. (see page 22)          illnesses. At Mercy Care, homeless
        primary care services provide                                                        individuals or those at risk of being    homeless
        continuity of care and a trusted                                                     homeless with suspected mental
        medical home.                                                                        illness are assigned a case manager      83%
                                                                                             who can link them to housing and
                                                                                             social services.
        Deb Vance, age 54                                                                                                             uninsured

                                                  A relapse took away all she had worked for, she faced a cancer diagnosis and        83%
                                                  her grandson, “the joy of her life,” was living with her church family. Read about
                                                  Deb’s road back to health and life. “With the help of Mercy Care and City of
                                                  Refuge, I walked out of that darkness.”                                             at or below the
                                                  Read the full story
                                                                                                                                      poverty line

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