Page 5 - WEB VERSION 36
P. 5
We recognize Our tree at
“Partners in Embassy Suites
Mercy” during We close on Festival of Trees
Jubilee Year of purchase of four featured on Good
Mercy. acres behind Morning Atlanta.
Decatur Street
New coach memorial for
arrives for HIV, TB Second Street Medicine those who
and Street Medicine United Way We participate celebrates three died while
teams and patients. in 2-Day years and is
Tocqueville Walk for featured on homeless
Award Breast Cancer. CBS Atlanta. featured on
CBS Atlanta.
July August September October November December
Street Coat closet
Medicine Mercy Care for poor and
adds a Rome hosts homeless
second day featured on
each week. Weekly Faces of CBS Atlanta.
Chamblee Caregiving
events educate community
the community event.
about Mercy
Steve Siler joins
Mercy Care
as president. 65 Mercy Care New clinic with 65 Mercy Care Close on
employees and expanded services employees and Chamblee/
families participate families participate Mercy Park
in Kaiser Run. opens at Gateway in Kaiser Run. land sale to
Center. Mercy Housing.