Page 38 - PHOTODOT 2017년 5월호 VOL.42 May
P. 38
Representing the Sublime Beauty of Existence that transcends the limits of time.
The concept of the sublime in relation to beauty is an aesthetic feeling we And, See Photos unveils the existence of objects in a scene. Temporality is
undergo when we experience the vast, the absolute, and the infinite. We represented in this work with its elemental color alongside a contrast of
experience the sublime whenever we see a vast sea that arouses a primitive brightness and darkness in reference to the coexistence of day and night.
feeling within us and whenever we face a gargantuan mountain whose mag- Its subject’s color, manifested over a long period of time, is expressed in the
nificence infinitely belittles humans. What she felt reminds us of the sublime way its intrinsic layers are compiled. This practice of accumulating layers of
beauty we see in nature. The sublime she has sensed countless times and different parts of time within a frame implicitly showcases condensed tem-
the period when she was concerned about being human was something so porality. In the end, this work conveys the beauty of being laden with time
little and insignificant. It is her intention to represent the beauty of being through diverse visual images.
vol.42.indb 36 2017-04-27 9:58:44