Page 10 - HyperZone_proposal_Lucky & Pep's
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OVERVIEW • Interaction
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HyperZone has been developed by Traff1k™ to accelerate your sales.
• Engagement
o Direction Requests
HyperZone marketing targets prospective customers in a highly specific, geographically
o Calls
restricted area with the intention of targeting people conducting searches on their mobile
o Photo Views
device. HyperZone is created specifically for businesses with a physical presence, be it a shop,
hotel, restaurant, spa, bank, and the like.
In relation to Lucky & Pep’s, this specifically means;
HyperZones primary purpose is to drive traffic that has a strong commercial intent. • Drive foot traffic to stores
• Drive phone call enquiry to stores
Simply put, the point of HyperZone is to get more people walking through the door of your
business as well as increasing the number of inquiries and website visits. In today’s challenging times, what it will do is;
• Show persons that you are open and delivering
• Drive foot traffic to stores
OBJECTIVES • Drive phone call enquiry to stores
• Drive delivery orders via website
The core objectives are to increase;
• Discovery
o Discovery Searches
Customers who find your brand by searching for non-brand keywords.
o Direct Searches
Customers who find your brand by searching for brand related keywords.
10 LUCKY & PEP’S Speed up Lucky & Pep’s sales with todays customers