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Course Title:      Honors Finance & Investment                     Credit Value:           0.5
         Course Number:     107415                                          Term(s) Offered:        Semester
         Prerequisite(s):   Completion of Personal Finance with an 80% or   Open to Grades:          11, 12
                            higher or teacher recommendation
         Career             Business Management and Administration          Hospitality and Tourism
         Cluster(s):        Finance                                         Marketing
                            Government and Public Administration            Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
        Description:  Honors Finance & Investment expands upon basic financial knowledge acquired in the Personal Finance
        course. Finance is defined as the management of money.  Topics include calculating payroll, the role of taxes, borrowing
        money, retirement planning, investing in the stock market,  bonds,  mutual funds, and risk management through
        insurance.  Students participate in simulations including a Virtual Stock Market and hands-on projects.  This course
        provides a breadth of knowledge in finance for students interested in building their future wealth and those interested in
        business or finance as a career.

         Course Title:      Marketing                                       Credit Value:           0.5
         Course Number:     107420                                          Term(s) Offered:        Semester
         Prerequisite(s):   None                                            Open to Grades:         10, 11, 12
         Career             Business Management and Administration          Hospitality and Tourism
         Cluster(s):        Finance                                         Marketing
        Description:   Marketing is the process of developing, promoting,  and distributing goods  and/or services to the
        satisfaction of the customer.  Students explore the basic marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion) as well as
        market research, advertising, and selling techniques in the application of classroom concepts with hands-on projects.
        Students understand the importance of the sales and marketing functions in today’s business environment.

         Course Title:      International Business &  Ethics                Credit Value:           0.5
         Course             107430                                          Term(s) Offered:        Semester
         Prerequisite(s):   None                                            Open to Grades:         10, 11, 12
         Career             Business Management and Administration          Hospitality and Tourism
         Cluster(s):        Finance                                         Marketing
                            Government and Public Administration            Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
        Description:   This project-based course provides an  introduction to the national and global aspects of international
        business.  Students will perform research to explore the cultural, economic, political, and legal environments of global
        business including an overview of the risks, challenges, and opportunities  inherent to competing  in the global
        marketplace.  Throughout  the course, students research and present  global affairs updates to explore the impact of
        international issues on the domestic and global business environments.

         Course Title:      Entrepreneurship                                Credit Value:           0.5
         Course             107440                                          Term(s) Offered:        Semester
         Prerequisite(s):   None                                            Open to Grades:         10, 11, 12
         Career             Business Management and Administration          Hospitality and Tourism
         Cluster(s):        Finance                                         Marketing
        Description:  Learn what it takes to be a successful small business owner!  Entrepreneurship takes students through the
        process of conceiving, creating, and managing their own business.  Students formulate and develop a business plan to
        describe the organization, marketing strategies, and financial requirements of their new business based on the type of
        small business they would like to own.  Finance, accounting, marketing, and management issues are addressed from an
        entrepreneurial perspective.  If you’ve ever dreamed of being your own boss and running your own company, this is the
        course for you!

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