Page 26 - VAA PKG May19 Final_emag spreads EDITED_Neat
P. 26

RITA says                                                                                                                              RITA says

         Meet Cabin Crew

         member Chloe Clark,                                                                 Identifying your favourite

         one of our top                                                                      products and sharing this
                                                                                             information with customers
         sellers in 2018                                                                     is key for great sales

         I                                  products,                                         sellers. For this display I would              Chloe’s
           joined Virgin Atlantic as
                                            and sharing
                                                                                              ensure that Haribo, Pringles,
           Cabin Crew in 2014. Prior to
           this I worked in retail, where
          I developed a love for sales and   this information                                 Fun Planes and a model aircraft                Whitley Neill
                                                                                              were clearly visible. However,
                                            with customers is
          hitting targets.                  key for great sales.                              for a flight with fewer children,              Rhubarb
                                                                                                                                             & Ginger
           I enjoyed the challenge of       It’s an opportunity                               maybe a display comprising more                Gin, £20
          achieving my daily sales targets,   to engage with                                  of alcohol and perfumes would
          and the sense of accomplishment   the customer                                      be more suitable.                              Tom Ford
          that came with receiving          naturally, offering                                Even if you don’t necessarily                 Black Orchid
          commission; but most of all       recommendations,                                  think of yourself as a ‘sales                  Eau de Parfum,
          I enjoyed the conversations and   which in turn often                               person’ remember that a short                  £66
          interactions with customers as    leads to them                                     conversation about something
          I chatted about what my favourite   purchasing to try                               as simple as how much the
          products were, and why I believed   for themselves.                                 passenger is saving compared
          they were must-have items.          When I’m the bar                                to the high street price, or
           When I came to Virgin, I was     operator, I like to set                           which product you personally
          excited to explore our Retail     the cart display up                               recommend, can go a long way.
          Therapy products, and over the    depending on what                                 Ultimately, every sale adds to
          years I have defiantly deciphered   flight we are operating                         your commission, and although
          my must-have items (Whitley       that day. For example,                            it doesn’t seem like a lot, it all
          Neill Rhubarb and Ginger Gin,     Orlando’s are often full of                       adds up!
          and Tom Ford Black Orchid —       families with young children,
          to name just a few). I believe that   on these flights I find snacks
          identifying your favourite        and model planes to be our best                  Please contact us at if you wish to share
                                                                                             your tips and tricks and to be featured in our next PKG

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