Page 30 - VAA PKG May19 Final_emag spreads EDITED_Neat
P. 30

Cart sealing
          How and when to

          seal your cart                                                                          Don’t forget to seal the cart!

                                  Handbag     Blue metal rope   VOID    Padlock
                                    seal           seal      sticker
                                                                                                  It is really important to seal the all the carts. Not only to
               LEAVING UK                                                                         prevent loss of stock but also to meet customs regulations.
            removed by caterer                  Removed
             and witnessed by    Yellow plastic  by caterer  Yellow    YES                        Most importantly, if stock is going missing and no one
            primary bar operator.                                                                 notices until it reaches the bond, just imagine what kind
              INC. RITA’S BOX
                                                                                                  of items could make their way in to the carts! It’s a scary
              ARRIVAL INTO                                                                        thought but something we should really think about.
              OUTSTATIONS       Green plastic      NO        Green     YES
              INC. RITA’S BOX
                                                                                                  We often find that carts are incorrectly sealed when they
                                                                                                  come back in to the bond. Sometimes we find the seals in
            DEPARTING FROM      Green plastic      NO        Green     YES                        RITA box still intact and the cart hasn’t been sealed!
                                                                                                  In the month of January we had 31 carts with seal issues,
            BEFORE LANDING          NO        Ensure seals are   Blue  YES                        and in February we had 72 carts with seal issues. This is a
                INTO UK                         pulled tight                                      shocking number and with such a simple and easy process,
                                                                                                  it shouldn’t be happening. Sometimes we find the seals
               RITA’S BOX                                                                         in RITA’s Box that are still intact and the cart hasn’t been
            BEFORE LANDING      Green plastic      NO         NO       YES                        sealed. We also have padlocks that are hanging off the carts.
                INTO UK

                                                                                                  You would have noticed that we recently changed the
                                                                                                  sealing procedure, so we now seal all the carts including
                      VOID seals in place
                                                                                                  the Pre-order cart in the air, and once we have landed
                                                        Press down firmly                         RITA’s Box is sealed.
                                                        and rub the sticker
                                                          until smooth                            Before you step off the aircraft give all the carts one last
                                                                                                  check, especially the Pre-order cart, as we know this is
                                                                                                  sometimes hiding in a different galley or behind another
                                                                                                  cart. Always make sure the rope seal is pulled as tight as
               VOID text revealed if tampered with                                                possible and the back of the double cart is sealed as well.

                                                                                                  Keep this PKG handy so you can quickly refer to it in case
                                                                                                  you have forgotten which seal goes where.

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