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For 21 years, Training magazine has recognized organizations
QUARTER 1, 2021 that provide best-in-class employee training and development.
In 2021, Rosendin moved up three spots to rank #5.
In Quarter 1, 2021, Rosendin received eight awards from the National Association of Electrical Contractors
(NECA) LA Chapter and was ranked on four lists, including the 2021 Training Top 100 Organizations by Training
Magazine. To learn more about the headlines Rosendin is making, visit
• 2021 Prestige Gold Award for Electrical Excellence Largest-Phoenix Area Electrical Contractor
Wilshire Tower Façade and Plaza #2 Phoenix Business Journal A SOLID FOUNDATION
(Outdoor Lighting over $500k)
• 2021 Prestige Diamond Award Electrical Excellence #3 Largest Electrical Contractors in Silicon Valley
SoFi Stadium / LA Stadium Entertainment District at Silicon Valley Business Journal
Hollywood Park In the face of pandemic-induced challenges,
• 2021 Electrical Excellence Awards #5 2021 Training Top 100 Organizations Rosendin stepped up its talent development efforts.
Century Plaza Hotel Training Magazine
By Margery Weinstein | Training Magazine
(Audio/Visual over $500K)
#6 Top 10 Electrical Contractors for 2021
• 2021 Electrical Excellence Awards Ranking Arizona/AZ Big Media
Century Plaza Hotel ecruitment of competent, The Training team showed the There were three main strategic goals
dependable employees can company’s leaders that the services set for 2019-2020, which Hart and
(Voice/Data over $500K)
be difficult in any year, let it provides are more important than Vere, and the rest of the Learning
#30 Fortune Best Workplaces in the Bay Area 2021 alone one in which in-person ever, ensuring a highly productive and Development team, were tasked
• 2021 Electrical Excellence Awards Fortune Magazine / Great Place to Work
Wilshire Tower Façade and Plaza Lighting Rmeetings were discouraged, year that overcame unprecedented with providing support to accomplish.
and events such as recruitment circumstances. Those three goals were: “Invest in the
(Outdoor Lighting over $500K)
fairs were curtailed. For Rosendin, Best – Attract, Develop, and Inspire
an electrical construction services IT STARTS AT THE TOP the Best and the Brightest within
• 2021 Electrical Excellence Awards
company, 2020 was a time to continue the Industry,” “Enhance Operational
Waldorf Astoria Rooftop by JG Trellis
pushing forward with its recruitment “The company’s mission is: ‘Building Efficiency and Operational Excellence,”
(Commercial under $1M)
efforts, despite these challenges. Quality — Building Value – Building and “Increase Our National Footprint
People.’ Building Quality and Value are by 20 Percent in 2025.”
• 2021 Electrical Excellence Awards
The company continued its focus things we do for others, while Building
Gunderson Dettmer
on building a workforce of talented People is something we do for RECRUITMENT’S ESSENTIAL
(Audio/Visual under $500K)
individuals primed for future growth. ourselves that relies on both Human ROLE
It also ensured through next-level Resources and the Learning and
• 2021 Electrical Excellence Awards
learning and development that the Development (L&D) team to facilitate,” The goals set from the top at Rosendin
Century Plaza Hotel
talented individuals it recruited would say Training Coordinator Kayla Hart are only possible with the right
(Commercial over $5M)
have what they needed to achieve and Vice President of Quality and company-wide team in place. For that
maximum efficiency. Training Lisa Vere. “The other two reason, the talent strategy begins
aren’t possible without motivated, with recruitment. “At the recruitment
Alongside the gains in recruitment engaged people. It starts at the top, level, there is a focus on engaging
and efficiency, the last year gave and the senior executives at Rosendin prospective and new employees
Rosendin’s Learning professionals a all help teach and participate in the in immersive programs designed
chance to support the company in its company’s learning culture.” to develop the best and brightest
efforts to expand into new markets.