Page 16 - Q1_2021_Corp_Newsletter_Neat
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                                                                                                                                             R&D considers our business’s future and solving

                                                                                                                                              the more immediate problems that can really
                                                                                                                                             help our teams in the short term. We have filed
                                                                                                                                              six provisional patents in the past six months,
                                                                                                                                            with two more in the pipeline. In total, Rosendin

                                                                                                                                                 holds over 80 provisional or full patents.

                                                                                                                                                       - Bill Mazzetti,  Senior Vice President                     “

                                                                                                                                   First up, we’re proud to announce that we’ve struck a   the equation. This will yield more consistent data, letting
                                                                                                                                   strategic development deal with a tool manufacturer to   Superintendents evaluate our workforces more efficiently.
                                                                                                                                   co-develop tooling and systems for the industry. Like   The real “ah-ha moment” was we finally optimized the
                                                                                                                                   our one with ULC Robotics, this relationship allows for   cost of materials and the fastest installation time to yield
                                               TION THRIVES
        INNOVATION THRIVES                                                                                                         market, and guaranteed best pricing. These three factors   coordinates assemblies with the estimating databases and
                                                                                                                                   royalties, exclusivity on the tool before it hits the open
                                                                                                                                                                                          the lowest installation cost for that assembly. The KoP also
                                                                                                                                   are the foundation for all of our development agreements
                                                                                                                                                                                          iProcurement and has an easy-on-the-user UI for Field
                                                                                                                                                                                          ordering. The field order app allows you to select material
                                                                                                                                   and offer protection and sustaining revenue to Rosendin
                                                                                                                                                                                          by area and type of system. The in-wall catalog is being
                                                                                                                                   outside of labor, safety, and quality improvements. Most
                                                                                                                                   process, tool, equipment, and installation improvement that
        INSIDE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT                                                                                            importantly, we have partners and vehicles to realize the   tested manually on a couple of our projects right now.
                                                                                                                                                                                          The last significant invention we’ve been working on is the
                                                                                                                                   just makes your life easier.
                                                                                                                                                                                          BESSESS (we are working on a catchier name). This was
                                                                                                                                   Now, more on the big news. Our solar panel placing and   inspired by a comment from Greenpeace in a planning
        By: Bill Mazzetti, Senior Vice President, R&D/Innovation                                                                   handling robot team has passed its Phase 1 proof of    committee meeting in Santa Clara in 2018. “Could you use
                                                                                                                                   concept/program test. It is expected to move into a full-  batteries instead of generators for backup power?” Yes,
                                                                                                                                   build prototype soon. The robot prototype is expected to   we can. But the battery industry needed to catch up a bit
            ’d like to start with some exciting   Unlike other organizations, R&D   secret. We tend to file provisional and        be completed in about 18 months. We are also exploring   for their products and production scale. We needed to
            news: our solar panel robot      considers our business’s future and   full patents because our inventions             new inventions and adapting some of their existing product   grind out the concept, and we needed a partner. Today,
            successfully passed its Phase 1   solving the more immediate problems   make it into public view soon after            for our use, such as MV cable splice prep.             we have a solution that will be presented to our energy,
            test during the week of March    that can really help our teams in the   they are developed. Without that                                                                     manufacturing, hyper-scale data center, and wholesale colo
        I8th! We’re now moving into the      short term.                          protection, people can and will steal            Another area we’re working on is the Kit of Parts (KoP). The   data center clients later this quarter that eliminates all UPS
        Phase 2 prototype development—                                            our ideas without recourse or even               KoP is a series of Field-defined catalogs, built by Steve Rose   power systems and generators from the data center while
        more on that below. Like the solar   You’ve heard us say that “Everyone is   patent them themselves! On the other          and Eric Abbott, for in-wall, in-ceiling, overhead supports,   providing conditioned and continuous power as good as
        panel robot, if you have a good idea,   an inventor.” That’s certainly true at   hand, many of our inventions, such        wall-mounted and floor-mounted anchorage, commodity    the systems they are replacing. The BESSESS is a merger of
        reach out to Charles Zhou or me with   Rosendin. We have filed six provisional   as the job cost reports, estimating       lighting, and next-generation lighting control. They are   ideas between our Renewable Energy and Mission Critical
        it, and we’ll help the process along.  patents in the past six months, with   databases, all of our Oracle and P6          optimized by the Field as what’s the optimal installation   business. Essentially, we’ve been looking for a continuous
                                             two more in the pipeline. Only one   customization, Revit customization and           choice. Ironically, a modestly more costly assembly usually   power solution that removes a lot of expensive equipment
        “Necessity is the mother of invention”   of those ideas actually originated   assemblies, Advanced Work Packaging          results in a lower cost of installation.               from the data center. Based on the cost and reliability
        is a proverb that we’ve all heard    from R&D. This doesn’t even count    (AWP), and how all this stuff talks                                                                     models we’ve run, the electrical cost of a hyper-scale data
        many times. It’s from Plato’s Republic.   the legion of Intellectual Property (IP)   to each other are trade secrets. We   The KoP catalogs also allows for large-scale corporate   center could be cut in half while offering similar or better
        We’re not sure if the ancient Greeks   that MPS has developed. Presently,   protect them from our competition by           buyouts on commodities and assemblies. We can choose   reliability numbers than traditional designs. We’re going to
        embraced prefab, packaging,          Rosendin holds over 80 provisional or   keeping them a secret. If you have an         to buy it, customize it, or have the shop fabricate it. One   keep this one under wraps for a bit longer.
        advanced work planning, and          full patents.                        idea, speak with your project team and           of the benefits is that installation rates can be evaluated
        estimating as we do. Still, this notion                                   then give us a ring with your questions          across several jobs, regions, or the entire company for the   There are a ton of other initiatives that we’re working with
        is very much at the core of Rosendin   With all these great ideas, how do we   on the next steps.                          same activity because the assembly will be very similar   partner organizations. More on those in the next issue! In
        R&D. We consider and examine how     protect them? In two ways, patents                                                    from job to job. We simply took the “parts” variance from   the meantime, stay safe and keep inventing!
        we “solve for the need” every day.   and copyrights, and keeping it a

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