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omen in Construction   industry. We do this in partnership with
 Week (WIC), founded by   NAWIC's Women in Construction week
 the National Association   to highlight the many ways women are
 of Women in Construction   vital to the construction industry. Whether
 W(NAWIC), was held March   an apprentice on a job site, an electrical
 7-13, 2021, with the theme "Connect,   engineer, a modeler on our BIM team, or
 Collaborate, Construct" to highlight   a leader in safety, business development,
 how women connect and collaborate to   or projects, women at Rosendin connect
 construct projects and visions of the future.  and collaborate year-round to construct
 our company's success and the buildings
 The focus of WIC Week is to highlight   that stand the test of time. We are proud to
 women as a visible component of the   recognize and celebrate all of the amazing
 construction industry. It is an opportunity   Women in Construction who are a part of   Meet some of the amazing women at Rosendin who’s passion to “Connect. Collaborate.
 to celebrate, on a national level, all of the   our teams and who we partner with across
 successes women have had over the years   the country!   Construct.” are building the future.
 and to emphasize the growing role of
 women in the industry.  Visit Rosendin's social media pages,   Top Row: Grace S. (Electrical Engineer II ), Diana D. (Director of Engineering ), Joan B. (Supplier/Subcontractor
 including Facebook, Instagram, Linked In,   Program Administrator ), Patara N. (Engineering Team Lead)  Second Row: Lisa G. (Program Manager), Shari
 Every March, Rosendin honors all of   Twitter and YouTube to see what "Connect,   Z. (Safety Manager), Kimchi N. (Designer), Ali G. (Assistant Project Manager)  Next Page, Top Row: Jeanne D.
 the hardworking and amazing women   Collaborate, Construct" means to each of   (Engineering Team Lead), Alissa B. (Assistant Project Manager), Krystal K. (Business Development Manager),
 who work at our company and in our   them.   Kavya P. (Business Systems Analyst)

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