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Lisa Vere, Vice President Quality & Training  Kayla Hart, Training Coordinator

 in the industry,” Hart and Vere say.   and three sets of modules. Through   PANDEMIC PIVOT  a savings of more than $400,000   tracking may opt out by not creating   applicants we received, indicating a
 “The Summer Internship Program   this program, regional resources   utilizing virtual training platforms.   a Linkedln profile. “As a result of   real hunger for leadership training.
 concentrates on individualized plans   have been developed, resulting in an   Investment in training continued to   The team will continue to utilize   these recommendations, learners   While Leadership Academy was limited
 designed to familiarize interns with   increased focus on QA/QC training.   be fully supported by Rosendin’s   virtual instructor-led trainings for the   have consumed more content than   to a certain number, we offered the
 their role and summer assignment   “By measuring the number of punch-  executives during the COVID-19   foreseeable future across all divisions   by simply pushing out a required list   rest of the applicants a new program
 and provide them with opportunities   list items at the completion of the   pandemic. The Training team was able   in the company.”  of courses. In fact, for the first three   called ‘Emerging Leaders,’” say Hart
 to learn about a variety of company   project (punch-list items are those that   to quickly adapt to learner needs,   quarters of last year, our Linkedln   and Vere. “Emerging Leaders will take
 positions through job rotation.”  are captured by the owner or general   including those of both office and   Prior to the pandemic, approximately   Learning account holders viewed more   the competencies we develop for
 contractor as ‘items to be corrected’),   field staff. Because Rosendin had   70 percent of Rosendin’s trainings   than 150,000 videos,” say Hart and   Leadership Academy and start laying
 Talent pipeline programs at Rosendin   this initiative produced a 42 percent   projects considered essential when   were offered as in-person sessions.   Vere.  the foundation in this new program.
 include the apprenticeship program,   decrease in deficiencies from 2018 to   shelter-in-place orders first took   The Training team quickly developed a   It will be a combination of curated
 “Field Supervision Development,”   2019,” Hart and Vere point out.  effect, not all projects stopped work   solution for remote employee training,   AI has given the company’s remote   on-line content and workshops, where
 the “Surge Program,” Leadership   immediately, and for those at job sites,   utilizing Linkedln Learning in the   training capabilities a big boost. “By   they will put the skills into practice in
 Academy, and the “P.O.W.E.R.   GROWING THE NATIONAL   training remained as important as   early months to provide trainers with   utilizing AI and a deep learning library,   front of coaches who will give them
 (Preparing Our Workforce’s Executive   FOOTPRINT  ever. The Training team has continued   time to adjust their classes to better   we have been able to exponentially   feedback. We also are creating Study
 Resources) Program.” These programs   to develop new programs with the   suit an on-line delivery platform.   increase the consumption of web-  Action Groups led by senior executives
 have played an essential role in the   To support growth in new markets,   utilization of virtual platforms.  The pandemic pushed Rosendin to   based learning by our employees. In   where they recommend a favorite
 company’s success. “Pipeline programs   the Talent Development team focused   launch additional competency maps,   most learning management systems   leadership book and go through it
 have helped our company achieve a   on operational metrics, customer   Since March 2020, the Training team   which list all the skills necessary for   (LMS), there is no recommendation   chapter by chapter with the students.”
 100 percent internal promotion rate   relationships, and employee training.   has made the switch to 100 percent   an employee’s current position. Each   feature, or the functionality is limited,”
 for leadership positions and a turnover   The program is part of a staged   virtual instructor-led training. Both   competency map equips learners   say Hart and Vere. “By using Linkedln   The ultimate goal of recruitment
 rate of 3 percent (18.4 percent below   roll-out of continuous improvement   “Project Management Bootcamp” and   with the ability to take control of their   Learning’s incorporated AI, the   and more inclusive leadership
 the national average for our industry),”   efforts. To establish a benchmark, a   “Field Supervision Bootcamp,” two   learning paths by providing links to   structure and categorization is mostly   development is a workforce that lives
 say Hart and Vere.  third-party organization interviews   of the costliest programs, have been   recommended Linkedln Learning   existing, requiring fewer resources to   out the company’s core values every
 current customers, allowing them to   moved to a virtual platform that is able   content and instructor-led trainings,   set up. The result is that we are seeing   day. “They would be clear on their
 PRIORITIZING QUALITY  provide candid feedback about their   to accommodate twice the number   increasing employee consumption of   learners complete one course and then  career path and how training can help
 experience with the company, Hart   of learners as in-person sessions,   training content.  continue to another based on an AI   them progress,” Hart and Vere say of
 Talent development also ties   and Vere explain. Work procurement   resulting in cost efficiencies greater   recommendation and a positive user   their ideal workforce of the future.
 significantly into the company’s   was improved through company-wide   than 37 percent. “Across all aspects   Artificial intelligence (AI) is used   experience.”  “They would receive coaching and
 strategic goal to enhance operational   training for all personnel involved in   of the department, and including   through Linkedln Learning’s   feedback from their leaders regularly,
 efficiency and excellence. One   the interview process. “This training   budget returned to the company, we   platform to make recommendations   A MORE INCLUSIVE FUTURE  and as the company continues to
 initiative associated with this goal   initiative resulted in customer   have saved $1.5 million, helping our   to employees. The system uses   grow, promotional opportunities
 aims to expand the company Quality   satisfaction scores improving to 4.375   team avoid layoffs and furloughs due   information such as the learner’s job   Leadership training has been of   would be filled from within. Others
 Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)   in 2019 from 3.75 in 2018. This change   to the pandemic,” Hart and Vere say.   title, learning completions, search   particular interest to Rosendin   outside the construction industry
 team to include additional program   in customer service allowed the firm   “The Talent Development team has   history, and skills to make learning   employees of late. In an effort to   would see construction as a viable
 managers and assign regional   to negotiate (rather than competitively   increased the number of instructor-  recommendations. To leverage   overcome unconscious bias and help   career opportunity and be attracted to
 resources by developing a QA/QC   bid on) contracts for 2019 in excess of   led trainings by 53 percent during the   this functionality, learners must   promote diversity and inclusion,   work at our company. We would have
 Certification Program offered to   $110 million, a 57.1 percent increase   pandemic. With no need to travel to   have a Linkedln profile, which most   Rosendin changed its Leadership   a happy, engaged workforce, and this
 employees. The QAQC Certification   from 2018,” Hart and Vere reveal  deliver training to our geographically   employees already have, Hart and Vere  Academy from a manager selection   would be reflected in the company’s
 Program consists of two certifications   dispersed workforce, we have realized   explain. Those who are uncomfortable   process to an application process.   bottom line.”
        with these recommendations and       “We were stunned by the number of

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