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Congratulations to Rosendin’s Q1, 2021

                                                                                                                                   100% VESTED


        Proud to Be                                            How is an ESOP different from

        Employee-Owned                                            a company’s 401(k) plan?

        Rosendin is proud to be employee-                            There are two key differences
        owned, and our people carry a sense                        between ESOPs and 401(k) plans.
        of accountability for the successes                        First, an ESOP invests primarily in                                                  AZ                           CA                          MD
        we experience. This type of family                        an employer’s stock, while a 401(k)
        atmosphere starts at the top. Our
        employee-owners see their personal                       plan generally offers various mutual                                                Chris F.                    Alyssa D.                    James C.
        value in the company and understand                         funds in which employees may
        their responsibility. We all have a stake                 invest funds. Second, 401(k) plans                                                 Craig J.                      Ben V.
        in our future and take a long-term                         permit employees to contribute                                                      Jim C.                      Don F.
        view of our customers’ welfare. We are                   their own money into the plan, while
        motivated and empowered to provide                                                                                                           Todd B.                      Irma A.                         TX
        the very best value and service, as we                     the Rosendin ESOP contributions                                                    Tom H.                     Nicole S.
        focus on keeping customers for life.                       come solely from the company –                                                                                                            Kristina K.
                                                                   making them completely free to                                                                                Noelle S.

                                                                                  employees.                                                                                       Rob C.                    Andrew T.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Ron G.                    Thomas S.

                                                                                                                                                                               Suzanne D.

                                                               ABOVE - Rosendin Employee-Owners enjoy the                                                                          Terri A.
                                                               spring weather on National Take a Walk in the
                                                               Park Day. Left to Right: Alberto G. (CA), Tony C.                                                                  Tram P.
                                                               (CA), Agustin G. (AZ)

                Questions? Speak to your local Rosendin ESOP Communications Representative today!                                                     Visit

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