Page 43 - Q1_2021_Corp_Newsletter_Neat
P. 43


 RISING TO THE                                             IT TIPS

 CHALLENGE                                                 How to be more effective

                                                           communicating by email


                                 “Better email communication means more meaningful
 ver the past year, the IT   our workforce transitioned to working   as an organization. The best part   messages, targeted to the right audience.”
 department has faced   from home. The chart pictured   about many of the new solutions
 new challenges. When we   displayed the increase in our overall   the team is looking at is that they   -Peter Jolly, IT Helpdesk Manager
 Okicked off 2020, we did not   volume quarter over quarter in 2020.   come straight from our workforce’s
 expect or anticipate the additional   feedback. Rosendin is becoming far
 challenges that came our way at the   Through all of this, 2020 proved to   more involved in the technology   SENDING MESSAGES  •  Don’t use to avoid face-to-face or   •  Who really needs to receive the
 beginning of March.  As media outlets   be a great learning year for most IT   shift and is subsequently quicker to   voice communication, especially   message and why?
 reported the COVID-19 virus and saw   departments. We have taken away   adopt new tools, which is exciting   •  One major topic per message.  when there is a disagreement or
 a pandemic hitting our country, we   new ideas to provide better support   for IT departments across the board   conflict.  REPLYING TO MESSAGES
 started discussing a remote workforce.   to our employees and come up with   and helps make for a better engaged   •  Consider who you’re sending to; do
 During these conversations, we began   some innovative ways for the business   workforce.    they need to see this?  •  Use caution- reread before you   •  Don’t overuse “Reply to All.”
 making plans for what we could do   to communicate remotely. As we look   •  Write descriptive and informative   send.  •  Avoid replying to “the world”.
 to support the business during a   forward, there are several changes that   At Rosendin, we are all in this   subject lines followed by the   •  Be completely responsible for
 pandemic shutdown that could last at   we are still navigating through and will   together. We care about our fellow   purpose of the email:  the receiver’s understanding of   •  Who really needs to receive the
 least a year.   continue to handle.  employees. We do our best to ensure   •  Info Only  the message.  message and why?
 that each person has what they              •  Don’t attach unnecessary files.       •  Think about the audience
 While the IT Department was doing   Not only did we transition our   need to be at their best. We listen to   •  Decision needed by “date”  that’s receiving the message,
 our best to prepare for the inevitable,   workforce, but the threat landscape   the feedback we receive, hear their   •  Status Update  •  Don’t leave out any necessary   especially if it’s being sent
 this wholesale change to remote   for security increased exponentially   needs, and work on solutions to   •  Revision  message threads.  out of the department. Is the
 workforces was a new type for us.   in the last year. You didn’t have to go   address them. We share, providing   •  Question  •  Don’t include unnecessary message   message appropriate for the
 Supporting our teams across the   very deep into the news to hear about   as much information about what and   threads.  recipients?
 country quickly put a tax on new   a data breach, ransomware attack, or   when something is happening to the   •  Info Needed  •  Don’t use to discuss confidential   •  Include your bottom line response
 hardware and other technology   scammer trying to compromise an   company.  We innovate, bringing new   •  Direction Needed  information.  in the first paragraph.
 supplies that we typically do not   unsuspecting victim. Rosendin’s IT   technology and processes to keep   •  Describe the purpose and or   •  Remember that email lives forever.
 use,  such as webcams. We saw a   department and Cybersecurity Team   Rosendin ahead of the curve. Finally,   action required in the first opening   •  Following paragraphs should
 sharp rise in the number of support   stepped up their training efforts and   we excel. We do our best when we can   paragraph.  FORWARDING MESSAGES  contain supporting information
 requests from across the business as   implemented new tools to navigate   and take pride in the work that we do.   and/or background
 these recent events.    On behalf of the IT Department,   •  Following paragraphs should   •  Revise subject line to include clear   •  If you remove recipients from a
 we would like to thank everyone at   contain supporting information   description and purpose:  message, or add recipients, include
 We are now in a   and/or background.                                               those names preceded by a ‘+’ or
 new year, and 2021   Rosendin for the past year’s support.   •  Be clear what is contained   •  Info Only  ’–’ at the top of the message to
 is an opportunity   None of us can do this alone, and it   in the attachments and the   •  Decision Needed by “date”  make it clear that the people the
 to learn from the   takes every one of us working for the   relevance and/or importance to   •  Status Update  message is going to has changed.
 past year and move   same purpose to achieve greatness.   the purpose of your email.
 forward smarter   We are here to support the company   •  Be concise and to the point.  •  Revision  •  If someone sending an email
 and stronger. We   in all aspects of IT operations. We’re   •  Question(s)         is asking for acknowledgment,
 have some great   here for the business, from supporting   •  Use short paragraphs to aid in   •  Info Needed  acknowledge the message right
 new projects on the   the critical business applications,   readability.  •  Direction Needed  away. Don’t let it sit, you will forget
 horizon that will   maintaining the back-office   •  Avoid long sentences.         it.
 help our people   infrastructure, to front-line computer   •  Don’t ‘cc:’ unless it is really   •  Put your comments at the top.
 be more efficient   support. We couldn’t do what we do   necessary:  •  Why are you forwarding the
 and help grow   without you, and we appreciate your   message?
 continuous and unwavering support.  •  When you do ‘cc:’ that it’s for
              their information only.        •  Don’t cc: unless it is really necessary
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