Page 10 - Rosendin Corporate Newsletter_Q1 2020
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MARCH 1-7, 2020
We are broadening our ability
“Many more women are joining the field to make an impact and really
of engineering and construction because making it known that we are
its rewarding and challenging to design capable of anything."
and build. I see women paving new roads - Angela Rundle,
by lifting preconceptions in construction, Division Manager
thus inviting more women into the field.”
- Beatriz K., Engineering Team Lead
Women in Construction Week (WIC), founded by the the successes women have had over the years and to
National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), emphasize the growing role of women in the industry. Meet some of the women at Rosendin who are Paving New Roads in Construction.
was held March 1 - 7, 2020 with the theme "Paving New Top Row: Patara N. (Engineering Team Lead), Sydney M. (Administrative Asst.), Alejandra C. (BIM Modeler)
Roads to Construction" to highlight how each woman's Decade over decade, the percentage of women in Second Row: Natalie W. (BIM Modeler), Meg S. (Project Assistant) & Desiree V. (Assistant Project Manager), Jolsna T.
actions determines how their career will unfold. construction has increased with nearly 1 million (Business Development Manager)
women working in construction today. The industry Third Row: Kavya P. (Business Systems Analyst), Jenica B. (Division Manager), Carlie C. (Asst. Project Manager)
The focus of WIC Week is to highlight women as a has become more accepting of their non-traditional Fourth Row: Deidre W. (Project Manager), Jaunelle B. (Project Manager), Shannon S. (Assistant Project Manager)
visible component of the construction industry. It is roles and women are advancing their careers through Fifth Row: Krystal K. (BD Coordinator), Erica A. (Assistant Project Manager), Skylar D. (General Foreman)
an opportunity to celebrate, on a national level, all of the industry as field staff, project supervisors, project Bottom Row: Summer R. (Project Manager), Erika H. (BIM Modeler), Wendi O. (Purchasing Agent)
10 The Feeder | Issue 1, 2020 Issue 1, 2020 | The Feeder 11