Page 123 - ICT_for_JHS_Classical
P. 123
Copyright and copyright laws are used to protect original works of inventors
from unauthorized reproduction, sale, rental and use of part or entire work. To
use, reproduce, rent or sell, part or entire copyright material, you need the
permission of the inventor, creator or originator.
Remember that before an inventor will be protected by copyright in Ghana, the
invention must be registered at the Ghana Copyright Office. The symbol for
Copyright is ©.
Product Protected by Copyright:
Poems, plays and stories.
Paintings, sculptures, maps, and other architectural models.
Music albums and audio recordings in the form of cassettes and CDs.
Movies, films and audio-visual recordings on cassettes and DVDs.
Information broadcast by television and radio stations.
Others are books, games, application software, pictures, podcast, logo,
Copyright Laws
Copyright law is the law that protects original workers of inventors from
unauthorized copying, rental, sale or distribution.
Copyright Infringements
Copyright infringement is an act of reproducing, copying, imitating, selling,
distributing, using, exhibiting, etc. a copyright product or material without
permission from the inventor. It is simply the act of breaking the copyright law.
Piracy: Piracy is the unauthorized copying and distribution of
copyrighted materials. A person who is copying and distributing
without authorization is a PIRATE. Pirates produce the counterfeits of
the original materials and sell them at low prices.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the taking of someone's work or idea and
claiming it as your own. It is a criminal act and is punishable under the
copyright laws of Ghana.
So Bluetoothing music, video, application, game or picture to someone without
the permission of the inventor is copyright infringement.