Page 311 - ICT_for_JHS_Classical
P. 311
4. Specify the printer name where the spreadsheet will print. If you only have
one printer in your home or office, Excel will default to that printer.
5. In Print Range, choose whether to print All or a certain range of pages
(Pages From n to y, where n and y are the beginning and ending page numbers).
6. In Print what, choose whether to print a Selection, the Active sheet, or
the Entire Workbook (all worksheets in the workbook). Excel defaults to the
active sheet.
7. Choose the Number of copies to print by clicking the up or down arrows.
8. Click OK to print the worksheet.
NB: Don't print your Excel spreadsheet without checking spelling first! Excel
includes two tools to help correct spelling errors: AutoCorrect and Spelling.
Specify a Print Area
In Excel, you can print an entire workbook, a worksheet, a cell range, or a cell.
Excel defaults to printing the entire worksheet. But if you want to print only a
certain area of a spreadsheet, you can define a print area.
To specify a print area:
1. Choose View from the menu bar.
2. Click on Page Break Preview from the cascading menu.