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P. 314

Chapter 14 – Formulas, Functions and AutoSum


               In school, you learned formulas to calculate math problems. Microsoft Excel
               uses these same formulas to perform calculations in a spreadsheet. A formula is

               a combination of values (numbers or cell references) and math operators (+, -, /,
               *, =) into an algebraic expression. Excel requires every formula to begin with an
               equal to sign (=) or minus (-).

                                 Operation                            Purpose

                                         +                              Addition

                                         -                            Subtraction
                                        X                           Multiplication

                                         /                              Division

                                        %                               Percent

                                         ^                                Caret

                                         <                             Less than

                                         >                            Greater than

                                         =                              Equal to

                                        <>                            Not equal to

                                        <=                       Less than or equal to
                                        =>                     Greater than or equal to

                  NB: A formula is fully visible in the Formula bar.

               Creating a simple addition formula

               A simple formula in Excel contains one mathematical operation only: one
               number plus a second number equals a third number. Writing a simple formula is
               no more difficult than that: 1+1. The only difference in Excel is that all
               formulas must begin with the equals sign (=). It is not enough to type 1+1 in
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