P. 46

Medicare HMO Blue           Medicare HMO Blue          Medicare HMO Blue
                                       ValueRx (HMO)               PlusRx (HMO)             FlexRx (HMO-POS)

         Coverage Gap             Most Medicare drug          Most Medicare drug          Most Medicare drug
                                  plans have a coverage       plans have a coverage       plans have a coverage
                                  gap (also called the        gap (also called the        gap (also called the
                                  “donut hole”). This         “donut hole”). This         “donut hole”). This
                                  means that there’s a        means that there’s a        means that there’s a
                                  temporary change in         temporary change in         temporary change in
                                  what you will pay for       what you will pay for       what you will pay for
                                  your drugs. The coverage  your drugs. The coverage  your drugs. The coverage
                                  gap begins after the        gap begins after the        gap begins after the
                                  total yearly drug cost      total yearly drug cost      total yearly drug cost
                                  (including what our         (including what our         (including what our
                                  plan has paid and what      plan has paid and what      plan has paid and what
                                  you have paid) reaches      you have paid) reaches      you have paid) reaches
                                  $3,700.                     $3,700.                     $3,700.

                                  After you enter the         After you enter the         After you enter the
                                  coverage gap, you pay       coverage gap, you pay       coverage gap, you pay
                                  40% of the plan’s cost      40% of the plan’s cost      40% of the plan’s cost
                                  for covered brand name      for covered brand name      for covered brand name
                                  drugs and 51% of the        drugs and 51% of the        drugs and 51% of the
                                  plan’s cost for covered     plan’s cost for covered     plan’s cost for covered
                                  generic drugs until         generic drugs until         generic drugs until
                                  your costs total $4,950,    your costs total $4,950,    your costs total $4,950,
                                  which is the end of         which is the end of         which is the end of
                                  the coverage gap. Not       the coverage gap. Not       the coverage gap. Not
                                  everyone will enter the     everyone will enter the     everyone will enter the
                                  coverage gap.               coverage gap.               coverage gap.
         Catastrophic             After your yearly           After your yearly           After your yearly
         Coverage                 out-of-pocket drug          out-of-pocket drug          out-of-pocket drug
                                  costs (including drugs      costs (including drugs      costs (including drugs
                                  purchased through your      purchased through your      purchased through your
                                  retail pharmacy and         retail pharmacy and         retail pharmacy and
                                  through mail order)         through mail order)         through mail order)
                                  reach $4,950, you pay       reach $4,950, you pay       reach $4,950, you pay
                                  the greater of:             the greater of:             the greater of:
                                  • 5% of the cost, or        • 5% of the cost, or       • 5% of the cost, or
                                  • $3.30 copay for generic  • $3.30 copay for generic  • $3.30 copay for generic
                                    (including brand drugs      (including brand drugs     (including brand drugs
                                    treated as generic) and     treated as generic) and    treated as generic) and
                                    a $8.25 copayment for       a $8.25 copayment for      a $8.25 copayment for
                                    all other drugs.            all other drugs.           all other drugs.


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