P. 43

Medicare HMO Blue           Medicare HMO Blue          Medicare HMO Blue
                                       ValueRx (HMO)               PlusRx (HMO)             FlexRx (HMO-POS)

         Foot Care                Foot exams and              Foot exams and              Foot exams and
         (Podiatry services)      treatment if you have       treatment if you have       treatment if you have
                                  diabetes-related nerve      diabetes-related nerve      diabetes-related nerve
                                  damage and/or meet          damage and/or meet          damage and/or meet
                                  certain conditions:         certain conditions:         certain conditions:
                                  $20–40 copay                $15–35 copay               In-network:

                                  Referral from your doctor  Referral from your doctor  $15–35 copay
                                  may be required.            may be required.           Out-of-network:
                                                                                         $65 copay
                                                                                          Referral from your doctor
                                                                                          may be required.
         Diabetes Supplies
         and Services
         Diabetes monitoring      You pay nothing*            You pay nothing*           In-network:
         supplies:                                                                       You pay nothing*
                                                                                         20% of the cost*
         Diabetes self-           You pay nothing             You pay nothing            In-network:
         management training:                                                            You pay nothing
                                                                                         20% of the cost
         Therapeutic shoes or     You pay nothing             You pay nothing            In-network:
         inserts:                                                                        You pay nothing
                                                                                         20% of the cost
         Durable Medical          20% of the cost             10% of the cost            In-network:
         Equipment                Authorization rules may     Authorization rules may    10% of the cost
         (wheelchairs,            apply.                      apply.                     Out-of-network:
         oxygen, etc.)                                                                   20% of the cost

                                                                                          Authorization rules may

         Prosthetic Devices
         (braces, artificial
         limbs, etc.)
         Prosthetic devices:      20% of the cost             10% of the cost            In-network:
                                                                                         10% of the cost
                                                                                         20% of the cost
         Related medical          20% of the cost             10% of the cost            In-network:
         supplies:                                                                       10% of the cost
                                                                                         20% of the cost

        *Coverage for diabetic test strips is limited to Johnson and Johnson (OneTouch products) and Roche
          Diagnostics (Accu-Chek products) when purchased at participating retail and mail-order pharmacies.
          No coverage for other test strips.

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