P. 40

Medicare HMO Blue           Medicare HMO Blue          Medicare HMO Blue
                                       ValueRx (HMO)               PlusRx (HMO)             FlexRx (HMO-POS)

         Diagnostic tests and     $30 copay                   $10 copay                  In-network: $15 copay
         procedures                                                                      Out-of-network:
                                                                                         20% of the cost
         Lab services:            $30 copay                   $10 copay                  In-network: $15 copay
                                                                                         20% of the cost
         Outpatient x-rays:       $20 copay                   $10 copay                  In-network: $15 copay
                                                                                         20% of the cost

         Hearing Service
         Routine Exam—up to       $20–40 copay depending  $15–35 copay depending  In-network:
         one per year:            on the service              on the service             $15–35 copay depending
                                                                                         on the service
                                                                                         $45 copay depending on
                                                                                         the service

         Non Routine Exam:        $20–40 copay depending  $15–35 copay depending  In-network:
                                  on the service              on the service             $15–35 copay depending
                                                                                         on the service
                                                                                         $65 copay
         Hearing Aids:            Not covered                 Our plan pays up to         Our plan pays up to $400
                                                              $400 every three years      every three years for
                                                              for hearing aids            hearing aids
         Dental Services

         Limited Medicare-        $40 copay                   $35 copay                  In-network: $35 copay
         covered dental services:                                                        Out-of-network:
                                                                                         $65 copay
         Routine dental           $40 copay                   $35 copay                  In-network: $35 copay
         services:                                                                       Out-of-network:
         Single copay for visit                                                          $45 copay
         that includes:
         Cleaning (for up to 1
         every six months)
         Dental x-ray(s)* (for up
         to 1 every six months)
         Oral exam (for up to 1
         every six months)

        *Dental x-ray(s) coverage is limited to one set of bitewings every 6 months.


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