P. 44

Medicare HMO Blue           Medicare HMO Blue          Medicare HMO Blue
                                       ValueRx (HMO)               PlusRx (HMO)             FlexRx (HMO-POS)

         Wellness Programs
         Fitness:                 $150 per calendar year      $150 per calendar year      $150 per calendar year

         Weight Loss:             $150 per calendar year      $150 per calendar year      $150 per calendar year
         See back of this
         booklet for more
         Medicare Part B          15% coinsurance             10% coinsurance             In and Out-of-network:
         Drugs                                                                            10% coinsurance
         Initial Coverage         After you pay your yearly  After you pay your yearly  After you pay your yearly
                                  deductible, you pay the     deductible, you pay the     deductible, you pay the
                                  following until your total  following until your total  following until your total
                                  yearly drug costs reach     yearly drug costs reach     yearly drug costs reach
                                  $3,700. Total yearly drug  $3,700. Total yearly drug  $3,700. Total yearly drug
                                  costs are the total drug    costs are the total drug    costs are the total drug
                                  costs paid by both you      costs paid by both you      costs paid by both you
                                  and our Part D plan.        and our Part D plan.        and our Part D plan.
                                  You may get your            You may get your            You may get your
                                  drugs at network retail     drugs at network retail     drugs at network retail
                                  pharmacies and mail         pharmacies and mail         pharmacies and mail
                                  order pharmacies.           order pharmacies.           order pharmacies.
         Standard Retail Cost-Sharing
         Tier                      One-      Two-    Three-    One-     Two-    Three-    One-      Two-    Three-
                                  month  month  month  month  month  month  month  month  month
                                  supply supply supply supply supply supply supply supply supply
         Tier 1                      $4       $8       $12      $2        $4       $6       $2       $4       $6
         (Preferred Generic)       copay    copay     copay    copay    copay    copay    copay     copay    copay
         Tier 2                      $8      $16       $24      $6       $12      $18       $6       $12      $18
         (Generic)                 copay    copay     copay    copay    copay    copay    copay    copay     copay

         Tier 3                     $45      $90      $135      $45      $90      $135     $45       $90     $135
         (Preferred Brand)         copay    copay    copay     copay    copay    copay    copay    copay     copay

         Tier 4                     $95      $190     $285      $95     $190      $285     $95      $190     $285
         (Non-Preferred Brand)     copay    copay    copay     copay    copay    copay    copay    copay     copay
         Tier 5 (Specialty Tier)    26%      26%      26%      25%       25%      25%      26%      26%      26%
                                   of the   of the   of the    of the   of the   of the   of the   of the    of the
                                    cost     cost     cost      cost     cost     cost     cost     cost      cost


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