Page 33 - HCSD SOPandIC Manual
P. 33
Budget Development Process
Title: Budget Development Process
Annually develop a site-based managed school budget. School Budgets are the responsibility of the
Building Principal. It is also the responsibility of the Principal to justify proposed expenditures in each of
the line item accounts. Building Principals track their school accounts during the year making the
necessary transfers needed to ensure no accounts are over- expended. If during the budget development
process there is a need to reduce the school budgets, the Building Principal will be notified of the amount
and is responsible for re-submitting the changes to the revised school budget. Below is a sample
breakdown of the budget process.
January Employee “Intent Forms” sent out - returned
February Board approves the Proposed Budget Calendar.
Recommend All Administrative Staff.
Initial Submission of All Departmental Budget Requests
Federal Programs, Child Nutrition, Student Activity Fund and Department
March Recommend all other Certified Personnel.
Certified Staff Contracts prepared and returned
Review and Revision of All Departmental Budget Requests
Federal Programs, Child Nutrition, Student Activity Fund and Department
April Approve Classified Staff
May Advertisement for the public hearing runs in the Paper
June Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget
The Board adopts Budget
Formal Resolution for Ad Valorem Taxes
July Budget Synopsis runs in the Paper
Copy of Budget and Resolution to Levying Authority; Required Budget
information to MDE