P. 4

                                                      100 TPD PHYSICAL REFINERY AND FRACTIONATION
                                                                                               Page No. 4/69

                                                  A.  Process Description

               Pretreatment for Palm oil:

               Crude Palm oil is heated to 70 – 80 deg C by hot oil in economizer or by steam
               in feed heater (only at startup). The oil is then pumped to the mixer where it is

               mixed with calculated quantity  of phosphoric acid solution. This mixture is

               delivered in conditioning reactor to give sufficient retention time. The Pretreated
               Palm oil is then transferred to bleaching section.


               Pretreated oil and bleaching earth, which is proportioned by the Earth Feeder,

               are mixed in the Bleacher. In Bleacher the earth adsorbs residual gums, soap,
               pro-oxidants, color pigments and other impurities not removed by washing. The

               Bleacher has multiple agitated compartments and operates under vacuum to

               ensure adequate residence time and complete moisture and air removal.  The
               Bleacher Discharge Pump pumps the dry oil and earth mixture through a clean

               Adsorbent Filter where the spent earth is removed.  The Bleached Oil Pump
               pumps the filtered oil collected in the Receiver to  deo section  through a

               Bleached Oil Polish Filter.

               Filter Management:  Filter Management:  The standard bleaching system is

               based on the use of two filters of which one is on line while the other is being

               cleaned and prepared for the next cycle. When a filter has reached its maximum
               capacity, as indicated by high feed pressure, it is taken off line for cleaning and

               replaced by the other filter.

               The cleaning procedure begins by first pressurizing the filter with steam to expel
               residual oil into the Recovered Oil Tank and dry the spent filter cake. The oil

               recovered from the filter cake is collected in the tank and can usually be

               recycled to the Bleacher. After drying, a bottom discharge valve on the filter is
               opened and the leaves pneumatically vibrated so that the spent cake is
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