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                                                      100 TPD PHYSICAL REFINERY AND FRACTIONATION
                                                                                               Page No. 6/69

               amount of remaining free fatty acids in the oil is reduced to an absolute

               Cooling:  The deodorized oil flow to the last compartment consisting of

               exchanger where the heat of hot oil is transferred to dearated oil entering final
               oil heater. The oil from final compartment is discharged by the Product Pump

               and further cooled to storage temperature in De-aerating Economizer, Bleaching

               Economizer, and Economizer in pretreatment section & Product Cooler. During
               shutdown the cooling of the oil is carried out by recirculation of the oil from

               product cooler E404 by product pump P 404 to Deaerator. The anti-oxidant is

               mixed with oil in the Deodorizer.  The finished oil is finally  sent to storage via
               one of the alternating Product Filters & Final oil cooler.

               Distillate Recovery: Fatty acids and other materials, evaporated from the oil,
               are condensed by  contact with recycled and cooled distillate in the  Vapor

               Scrubber.  The distillate is circulated by the Distillate Pump via the Distillate
               Cooler where it is cooled by cooling water. Accumulated distillate is discharged

               from the Scrubber to storage.

               Trans and Tocopherol:  The high efficiency (low amount  of stripping steam)
               and short retention time of the stripping column, combined with the possibility

               to reduce the heat bleaching time or temperature, ensure optimum conditions

               for controlling the process. The oil can thereby be properly deodorized without
               the creation of trans fatty acids while also controlling the amount of tocopherol

               removed from the oil.

               Protection against Air Contamination: For optimum quality, especially when

               processing unsaturated oils, the oil should be protected from air contamination
               during the entire  deodorizing process. The packed column type Deareator

               ensures maximum removal of dissolved air before high temperature heating.

               This  also helps minimize polymerization of the oil on the inside of the heat
               exchange coils of the heat Economizer.
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