Page 4 - Recipe Book
P. 4
Always first and foremost, I must acknowledge my Father God, for His constant love,
blessings and protection in my life. Without You, nothing would ever be possible.
To my wonderful husband Buck, you are my love and greatest supporter. Thank you for
allowing me to fly, and for always wanting to see me soar. You support me on each, and
every venture I’ve embarked on, and life wouldn’t be as nearly as sweet without you. I
treasure you and our love. Thank you baby.
To my children, my most prized possessions, I love you more than you could ever
imagine. Everything that I do, is for you. Grow beautifully Kings.
They say it takes a village to raise a child, and I must thank the village that surrounded
me with love and life lessons, that has carried me through this far. The wealth of
knowledge you all have given me, while bonding in the kitchen, learning recipes, and
hearing stories of my Ghanaian and Southern heritages and family traditions, are
amongst the most treasured memories of my life.
Mama and Grandma, thank you for teaching me how to cook with my soul. Your
techniques and guidance allowed me to train my palate and create those treasured
dishes with my very own twist. I have my own family now, and I share all you’ve taught
me, to feed and nourish them, just as you both did me. And, now I get to share my
recipes with the world.
Daddy, thank you for the Ghanaian recipes and teaching me how to create African
dishes, and the use of exotic herbs and spices to create an international food experience
that my family and I love so much.
Sheena, you are the best sister and aunt my boys and I could ever ask for. You’re always
there ready to love us, and we love you forever for it.