Page 13 - Phil Reddin Financial Services Ltd DRAFT V1
P. 13
You are required to maintain regular contact with your Manager for the duration of your illness. In the
case of ongoing sickness or illness you must telephone your Manager every Monday, advising that the
absence is going to continue and your expected return date if known. Medical certificates must also
be submitted on a weekly basis.
The capacity in which an employee can return to work will be discussed with you. If you are capable
of returning to work but not to the same job, the Company will assess, at its discretion, the situation
with a view to finding suitable alternative employment (if any). In some instances, a dismissal due to
incapacity with notice will arise.
2.12.14 Attendance during Adverse Weather and Red Weather Alerts
In developing this policy, account was taken of the ‘Be Winter Ready’ booklet produced by the Office
of Emergency Planning and developed in association with other organisations including the
Department of Education & Skills, the RSA, An Garda Siochána, the Health & Safety Authority, and Met
RED Weather Warnings are defined as heavy snow or ice accumulations, flooding, hurricane or
tornado damage that can serious impact on employees and affects the normal operations of the
Most adverse weather warnings are issued in advance, and adequate time is provided for all
employees to take preventative and corrective measures.
The company will keep itself up to date, with local and national weather forecasts and will advise all
its staff by way of email, text or phone as to its plans regarding what action and procedures must be
Employees will not be paid for days off during periods of Red Weather Alerts, should such a scenario
occur. If a Red Weather Alert is issued during the course of a normal working day, Management
reserve the right to assess the hazard and risks before issuing an instruction. In this instance you will
be paid for the hours worked up to the Management deciding to close the business premises or for
the entire day if the decision is made after 3pm.
The 3 different type of warning all depicted by colour and actions.
Yellow: Be aware. Severely bad weather is possible over the coming days
Amber: Be prepared. There is an increased likelihood of severely or extremely bad weather
Red: Take action. Extremely bad weather is expected.
Employees shall not decide to take any action including refusing to attend work, refusing to perform
their duties while at work, leave without permission or refuse to follow instruction that serves to
secure their safety and that of fellow colleagues or company property.
Normal retirement occurs on your 66 birthday. It is our policy for employees to retire at the end of
the week in which their 66 birthday falls. Changes to the age at which you are eligible for the state
pension can be discussed should such changes be introduced. In certain circumstances consideration
may be given to continued employment being offered to you and/or fresh employment offered after
retirement. Such offers will be totally at the discretion of Phil Reddin.
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