Page 8 - Phil Reddin Financial Services Ltd DRAFT V1
P. 8

               It is an express condition of your employment that you are prepared, whenever necessary, to transfer
               to alternative branches or duties within the business. This flexibility is essential as the type and volume
               of work is always subject to change and allows us to operate efficiently and to provide unrivalled
               service to our valued customers.

               2.7.1 Travel Allowance
               In the event you are requested to carry out your duties in a company location outside of the principal
               location specified on your contract of employment you will be allowed to claim for mileage expenses
               at current company rates. Arrangement regarding mileage expenses must be confirmed with  Phil
               Reddin in advance.

               2.8 CONFLICT OF INTEREST
               It is a condition of your employment that whilst you are an employee, you do not have any outside
               financial interests, or engage in any outside business or financial activity, which conflicts with, or might
               conflict with, the interests of the company.
               Your acceptance of an offer of employment with the Company will be taken as confirmation that you
               do not have any such conflicts of interest. If a conflict of interest should subsequently arise, you should
               discuss the issue with Phil Reddin.

               Outside interests extends to devoting Company time to personal social media campaigns to generate
               followers, likes, etc on personal projects, personal business concepts or private events.

               Where you require time off for a registered charitable venture or event, please bring this to the
               attention of your Manager to see if local agreement can be reached on same.

               2.9 OTHER EMPLOYMENT
               It is a condition of your employment that whilst employed by the Company, you do not enter into
               employment with another company or undertake work on a freelance basis without the prior written
               permission of the Company. Your total aggregate hours of all employment cannot exceed the legal
               limitations set out in Organisation of Working Time Act 1997.
               Your hours of work are set-out in the terms in your Contract of Employment. Any permanent changes
               to your working hours or the conditions of your employment will be noted in your employee file.

               2.10.1 Breaks
               In accordance with working time legislation the Company is committed to the welfare of its employees
               regarding the amount of time they spend at work. All employees whether full-time, part-time or flexi-
               hours are covered by the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997. The Company acknowledge that
               exceptional seasonal demands place additional onus on staff to meet customer needs. The cumulative
               hours worked by any individual will be closely monitored and a necessary compensatory rest periods
               required will be arranged in due course.

               Daily Break Period   All employees must take a break of at least 15 minutes if working more than four
                                     and a half hours or a break of at least 30 minutes if working more than six
                                     hours (this may be inclusive of the initial 15 minutes break).
               Daily Rest Period     Employees affected by this legislation must take a rest period of 11 hours
                                     consecutively in each 24-hour period.

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