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P. 12

2.7.2 Overtime
               The company must be responsive to the needs of our customers. Consequently, employees may be
               required to work a reasonable amount of overtime. Such overtime working must not conflict with the
               Organisation of Working Time Act 1997, in particular legislation on working hours and rest periods.
               The principles of the Act must carry through into our work practices. All overtime must be worked in
               accordance with the principles of the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997.

               The  Company  continues  to  look  at  ways  and  means  of  improving  the  work/life  balance  of  our
               employees, bearing this in mind we need to ensure that the legislation of working hours and rest
               periods are applied.

               Overtime is scheduled at Manager’s discretion and is subject to their authorisation. Management
               reserves the right to determine the duration of overtime and the number of employees required to
               work same. It is recognised that overtime working is not compulsory, but employees agree to co-
               operate in working reasonable amounts of overtime as deemed necessary by management to meet
               business and customer requirements.

               For all other staff members (part-time, fixed-hours, flexi-time and weekend staff) any overtime hours
               worked will be paid at the normal rate of pay as stated on the contract of employment.
               2.7.3 Pay Periods
               Your pay period which is monthly at month end, typically the 23  of each month or closest working
               day to the 27 , is determined by your class of employment within the Company (full-time, part-time,
               flexi-hours, etc.) and is stated on your Contract of Employment.

               2.7.4 Public Holidays
               See Section 4.1.5 of this handbook.

               2.7.5 Payment during Sickness Absence
               There is no obligation for the Company to pay an employee while they are on sick leave, unless this is
               otherwise stated in your contract. Consequently, it is at the discretion of the Company to pay for time
               taken as sick leave. Absences of three or more days must be justified with a medical certificate. This
               certificate must cover the period of illness, indicate the nature of the illness and contain a declaration
               as to when the employee is expected to be fit to resume normal duties. Members of staff must inform
               their line manager as soon as possible, preferably by phone call, when they know they will be unable
               to attend work. A Sick Leave form should be completed on the first day back at work.
               For long-term sickness absence or frequent periods of sickness absence, the Company may request a
               medical report from the employee's GP or consultant. The Company also reserves the right to have an
               employee examined by its own medical practitioner. Failure to comply with such a request may result
               in disciplinary action being taken.

               2.7.6 Overpayments
               If you are overpaid for any reason, the total amount of the overpayment will normally be deducted
               from your next payment but if this would cause difficulties to you personally, arrangements may be
               made with your Manager, in certain circumstances, for the overpayment to be recovered over a longer
               period but not exceeding three months.

               Maintaining our reputation for a quality service depends upon your punctual and full attendance at
               work. The importance the Company places on full attendance and punctuality is reflected in the fact
               that these are important criteria for consideration at salary and performance reviews and internal

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