Page 51 - OKelly Sutton Employee Handbook March19
P. 51

•  It is important to ensure that service user and/or staff information is not discussed in
                   inappropriate areas where it is likely to be overheard including conversations and telephone

               Particular care should be taken in areas where the public may have access – for example a customer,
               client or supplier’s representative allowed to wait behind the counter to meet a member of the
               management team.

               Never leave information/data unattended in company vans or private cars

                   •  Staff must not leave laptops/portable electronic devices and/or files containing personal
                   •  information unattended in cars.
                   •  All files and portable equipment must be stored securely. If files containing personal
                       information must be transported in a car, they should be locked securely in the boot for the
                       minimum period necessary.

               3.17.3 How long does the Company keep personal information?
               The time period for which we retain information varies according to the use of that information, in
               some cases there are legal requirements to keep data for a minimum period. Unless specific legal
               requirements dictate otherwise, the Company will retain information no longer than is necessary for
               the purposes for which the data were collected or for which they are further processed.

               The following is a guideline as to how long information of certain types is kept once you are no longer
               an employee of the Company;

                          •  Terms and Conditions of Employment - 3 years
                          •  Data Protection - 1 year
                          •  Equality- 6 years
                          •  Health and Safety records, accident and incident reports - 10 years
                          •  Leave of Absence - 8 years
                          •  Termination of Employment - 3 years
                          •  Transfer of Undertakings - 1 year

               3.17.4 What Personal Information does the Company hold on employees?
               As  an  employee  you will be  requested  to  provide  the  following  information  for  payroll  and your
               personal file:
               Personal Data
                          •  Identification Data - Name, Address etc.
                          •  Bank Account
                          •  PPSN
                          •  Emergency contacts
                          •  Prior work experiences (CV)
                          •  Company property/equipment
                          •  Email Addresses
                          •  Marital status
                          •  Phone numbers
                          •  The death of an employee
                          •  Contract of employment and commencement details
                          •  Interview notes
                          •  Disciplinary issues
                          •  Health and Safety information

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